Although mental health is a very popular topic nowadays, there is still a lot of taboo about it, that's why today I have decided to tell some personal experiences and others close to me.

Many see it as something crazy, which is actually a quite obsolete thought, it is as if we were told that it is bad to go to the dentist or to an internist or family doctor, when in fact going to health specialists has more weight or importance than we think, because many of our "physical" diseases come from the mind.
But what is it that has prompted me to write about this today, many factors really, I couldn't pick just one thing.
I currently have a friend, not just any friend, a very close one, she is part of my family and I know I am part of hers ❤️, anyway, she in the past has had mild anxiety issues, she has her family doctor who has helped her and taught her how to live with this and sometimes overcome it.
Since a few days ago, she has presented these problems again and although she knows how to identify these symptoms and has been responsible with herself by contacting her doctor and following her advice, things have not stopped there, on the contrary, they have been getting worse as the days have gone by.
Last night she already made a decision to change doctors, as she feels that her current doctor is not exactly hitting the mark, but what about in the meantime? How does she continue with her normal rhythm of life?
Here the situation starts to get a little more complicated, because even though you don't see it that way or don't want to admit it, these things stop and alter your rhythm of life, you simply stop being the same, you forget what makes you happy and this pushes you towards sadness and other things.

It is not the first person close to me who suffers from anxiety, I have several and although each one lives it in their own way, it destabilizes and alters everyone, making even their smile disappear.
I particularly, today with more knowledge and maturity, I can recognize that I have had episodes throughout my life, I could not say exactly if anxiety or not, but I usually call it "existential crisis", where I have needed help.
The first one I can clearly remember was more than 10 years ago, a moment where I felt lost, aimless, misunderstood, I didn't know what I wanted, I didn't know clearly what I felt.

I did not know how to handle my feelings or the situation, I did not seek help, not real help, in fact I never talked about this with anyone as such, I did not act in the best way and today I can see it clearly, because drowning in those feelings and not sharing them with anyone else, not seeking help, only sinks us deeper, eats us up inside, however I managed to get out of the situation, not in the right or easy way, I do not even remember how, but I managed to get out.
A couple of years later, I was involved in the same situation, this time a little worse, because I did not sleep and if I did I did not rest, I just stayed in the dark immersed in all those emotions and that is where I react and decide to seek help, it has been the only time I have sought professional help, I remember clearly that it was online help because I didn't want anyone around me to know that something was bothering me to the extreme of having to seek help, because in my family going to a psychologist is not very normal, so I got help online, obviously with a health professional, the truth was very good and it helped me to get out of where I was submerged, she gave me tools, she left me tasks, she freed me from that situation.

So with my story, I want to say that it is wrong to fall into what people will say, to let ourselves be carried away by that is not the right thing for us and in order to have healthy relationships with the rest of our environment it is necessary to go to health experts, even if it is only to go to tell our stories, in reality we all have issues to heal even if we do not realize it, do not wait to be in extreme situations where we feel we can no longer, things are better when we act by prevention instead of correction.
Post de del que hablo aquí arriba
This part reminded me of a post made by our hive partner @arlettemsalase who tells us that in her Twitter account she wrote about that instead of eating pizza we should go to therapy, it is not exactly like that but it has the essence, I will leave you the link to the post here. Well I saw the tweet on Twitter before she made a post about it and I was surprised by most of the responses she got, after that she made the post I'm talking about, touching the topic and the controversy it generated.
People said that the price of pizza could not be compared with the price of therapy, I am not going to debate about this, what I want to say is that while I know that money is often a barrier to do many things, we should not use it as an excuse to take care of us, of our mental health, for example in San Cristobal, Venezuela, where I live, today you can find free help in various health centers and social networks we can also find people and especially agencies that offer support and free professional help, so the tools are there, you just have to look for them and find them, Venezuela, where I live, today you can find free help in several health centers and in social networks we can also find people and especially agencies that offer support and free professional help, so the tools are there, you just have to look for them and of course know how to look for them with caution.

So I end my post with an invitation to as I said a moment ago; to take care of ourselves, of our mental health, to learn more about ourselves, to take the tools to handle situations that suddenly we do not handle in the best way, to leave the stigmas and taboos aside, because we only live or have awareness of only one life, then we will give ourselves quality of life and not only in the material but also in the mental.

Thanks for reading me once again, see you soon, big hugs loaded with the best vibes and that little push you need to put aside the fear of asking for help, help in time!

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Maravillosa publicación.
Hola, gracias por pasarte por aquí, leer y comentar, me alegra que fuera de tu agrado!
La salud mental es sumamente importante, concuerdo contigo. Es una lástima que hoy en día se tome tan a la ligera, aunque también pienso que muchas personas han tomado los padecimientos como la ansiedad y la depresión como una moda, sin saber las verdaderas implicaciones que acarrean dichos trastornos, espero tu amiga supere ese desafío. Exitos, linda forma de estructurar tu post.
muy bueno y oportuno
Me contenta que te gustara pero más aun que te resultara oportuno, Saludos!!
En conclusión amiga @stephytdh hay que querernos a nosotros mismos,es increible como los prejuicios sociales y lo digo por experiencia nos llevan a actuar con temor incluso cuando se trata de nuestra salud,por cierto la salud mental es ignorada completamente y pensar que cuidar de ella debe ser nuestra prioridad,me identifico bastante con esta publicación,gracias por compartir tu experiencia.
Así es, primero querernos a nosotros mismos, dejando de lado todo prejuicio social ya que solo nos hacen daño, hay que pensar y actuar en pro de nosotros mismos. Me contenta mucho que hayas encontrado en mi publicación un espacio en donde sentirte identificado y donde pudieras plasmar tu manera de pensar, un abrazo!
Un tema que ciertamente muchas personas no le gusta analizar y mucho menos divulgar pero muy importante que se divulgue, me gustó mucho tu publicación amiga @stephytdh 🤗
Un tema muy tabú en tiempos muy innecesarios para hacerlos pues hay muchos que sufren en silencio y luego vemos ese sufrimiento reflejado en acciones atentando de alguna forma en contra de su bienestar o del de los demás, gracias por tomarte tu tiempo para leer y para comentar, un abrazo!
Es un tema bastante interesante y lo expresas de una manera muy clara.
Me alegra haber podido trasmitir las cosas de forma clara, es lo que siempre quiero con mis publicaciones, algo que se pueda entender y depende del caso sentir. Gracias por comentar, saludos!
Me encanto,todo lo que mencionas es muy cierto y real. Gracias por escribir sobre este tema💜
Cuando escribimos desde el corazón y las vivencias no hay nada que no sea real, cada palabra se siente. Gracias a ti por leer y comentar, un abrazo!
Es un tema bastante interesante, a la vez algo que se de da poco valor, hasta que las personas llegan a notar algunas problemáticas, muchas gracias por compartir este tipo de información : D
Un tema bastante interesante y extenso ya que cada quien tiene su punto de vista y al que como tu bien dices se le da poco valor, pero espero que vaya tomando cada vez mas fuerzas, que se dejen los tabúes de lado y todos o la mayoría podamos contar con las herramientas necesarias para afrontar estos tipos de dificultades. Saludos.
Gracias por escribir sobre un tema tan importante, en lo particular sufro de ansiedad y la cuarentena me hizo ver el elefante en la habitación que en otros tiempos no quería ver, por miedo. Pero luego lo aceptas y empiezas a trabajar en ello, no es un camino fácil, más cuando las personas te tildan de loco inmediatamente... El ser humano está cargado de emociones, y más con el loco mundo en el que vivimos todo explota...
Cuando buscamos ayuda, la aceptamos, y trabajamos por mejorar nuestra ansiedad o nuestro problema sea cual sea, ya tenemos espacio (por decirlo así) ganado, solo nos queda colocar nuestro granito de arena (aunque a veces nos parezca un desierto) diario y no desistir, pues nuestras emociones no descansan y esta en nosotros aprender a vivir con ellas y no dejar que sean ellas quienes controlen nuestra vida. Gracias por comentar, un abrazo!