Seven Steps To Living Longer

in Catarsis3 years ago

Human Lifespan Is Reducing!

You probably already get the logic that there's a big difference between being alive and living. We grow into adults and life becomes somehow mechanical. You wake up and start reliving your daily rituals and you almost don't notice that your biological clock is ticking even faster.

Did You Know?

Human Lifespan has reduced over the course of centuries by over 10 times. And just last year, owing to the COVID19 pandemic, lifespan dropped by extra 9 years in the most affected countries, according to studies.

What This Means

This means something is wrong; and whatever that thing is, we share it in common. The whole lot of us. It's not an inmate problem we were born with, in our genes. It's the environment; it's the influence.
This means if we continue neglecting whatever is reducing our Lifespan, there will be a generation where lives will fall to less than 40 years. If you ask me, I think the first 30 years of a person's life is spent in figuring out and preparing for "life." After we figure it out or become prepared to live, we spend additional 20 to 30 years living that life; enjoying the fruits of our labour, helping others figure out life.
I am not trying to scare you, pardon. I am trying to give you reasons to be more intentional about living. I want to help you reconfigure your perspectives about life to enable you enjoy it, no matter how things are where you are.

Why Perspectives Matter

Earlier in my life, I was the kind of person who took things personally. I got angry easily, pick up fights, and generally saw everything as a big deal. I ate excess of everything I craved,never saw the motivation to do exercises, kept so busy and stressed during the weekdays, and pretty much every other thing I can't mention now.

However, I happen to stumble upon a realization that changed me completely. What is it?


Quote Every moment in life is meant to be enjoyed upon experience

When good things happen in our lives, we go to the extent of throwing parties in celebration for them, to show how grateful we are to life for the good things. But as soon a single bad occurrence shows up, we suddenly see no reason to keep living or loving life.
The fact is, if you would change your perspective about life, stop seeing it as something that gives you validity while taking all your energy, and start seeing it as a story of discovery - of enlightenment - then you will come to love life more than you do now.
Something as simple as a gift from your friend would love trivial to you. But if you look at it from another perspective, you'll realize how much they love you.

When you come to understand the beautifully designed intricacies and extricacies of life, you will want to live longer.
Living longer than the contemporary lifespan of others is possible. This is backed up by the factual existence of blue zones.
Despite everything fighting against our health,it is still possible to live well into a ripe old age. The required activities include the usual routine exercising, resting enough, eating less junks and more vegetables, engaging the brain in positive activities etc.
The truth is, we know these things. We just don't practice them. For some reasons,we humans have morphed into talkers. It takes serious efforts before we do what needs to be done. As a matter of fact, we have completely rejected the realization that the right thing to do is different from what you want to do.

You love junks, but it is the major factor in the reduction of lifespan in the US. You hate exercises, but it is second most important live preserving activity to do. You know all these, practice them.

Easy way out?

  1. Take long walks. Set a day (or days) in your month to run.
  2. Replace junks and sugar contents with fruits and vegetables.
  3. Have breathing sessions. We scarcely breathe well these days.
  4. Replace eating meat with being pescatarian (fish, eggs and Vegetables).
    My beautiful friend, Nikki, introduced me to bring pescatarian. That's her in the picture.

Nikki Rani 20210721_143830.jpg

  1. Don't over feed. Eat only 80% of your stomach's capacity.
  2. Rest enough.
  3. Allow only little amount of stressful activity per day. Stress ages people faster than the years.


Practicing these steps often will surely elongate your life


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