Últimamente e andado como con un bloqueo que no se me ocurre que hacer o que publicar por aqui ,aun sabiendo que hive es una plataforma para toda clase de post, ya han pasado varios dias sin escribir nada asi que quiero hacerlo con una experiencia pasada y una canción que me levanto cuando senti que era mi final
Lately I've been having a block that I can't think of what to do or what to post here, even knowing that hive is a platform for all kinds of posts, it's been several days without writing anything so I want to do it with past experience and a song that woke me up when I felt it was my end
La cancion de tercer cielo - Creere
The song of the third sky - Creere
Contaré esto como anécdota corta
I will tell this as a short anecdote
Estaba pasando yo una situación económicamente inestable habia perdido mi trabajo,la muerte de un familiar amado para mi y el rompimiento de mi relación
I was going through an unstable financial situation, I had lost my job, the death of a relative dear to me and the breakup of my relationship
Recuerdo que entre los primeros de junio del 2022 estaba acostada,con todo apagado, simplemente llorando y me reprochaba cada mala decisión que habia tomado en ese entonces,sentia que no valia nada ni como persona ,ni como madre ,ni como mujer, simplemente queria morir ,¡Si! Tuve pensamiento suicidas que dicen que es malo tenerlos realmente, pero gracias a Dios o la fuerza que tuve en ese entonces no llegue a cometer una locura,lo maximo que hice fue agarrar una hojilla y empece a cortarme por las piernas y por los brazos sentia que esa era una manera de castigarme ,a la misma ves agarre un radio, active el Bluetooth de mi teléfono y empece a reproducir YouTube entre las canciones que sonaban, repentinamente empezo a sonar, la canción que mencione creere y justamente la parte que dice **CUANDO SIENTAS DESMAYAR Y QUE YA NO HAY FUERZAS PARA CONTINUAR Y HAS PENSADO ABANDONAR ESE SUEÑO, ESE ANHELÓ, QUE EN TU ALMA ESTA,LA MENTE DICE NO,NADA PUEDES HACER,PERO TU CORAZÓN NO PARAR DE CREER", ese pedazo de la canción me derrumbó tanto que solo empece a llorar y llorar ,pero pare de hacerme daño , a partir de ese dia la empecé a escuchar diariamente y cada rato luego fui variando escuchando otras canciones cristianas y e aquí meses después, me pongo a pensar que si se pudo y que aun me falta mucho por hacer y que podre, y es cierto que hay canciones que llenan el alma de vida nuevamente
I remember that between the beginning of June 2022 I was lying down, with everything turned off, simply crying and reproaching myself for every bad decision I had made at that time, I felt that I was worthless, neither as a person, nor as a mother, nor as a woman, I simply wanted die, yes! I had suicidal thoughts that say it's really bad to have them, but thank God or the strength I had at that time I didn't commit something crazy, the most I did was grab a blade and start cutting my legs and arms * I felt that this was a way to punish me*, at the same time I grabbed a radio, activated my phone's Bluetooth and started playing YouTube between the songs that were playing, suddenly it started playing, the song I mentioned *I will believe * and precisely the part that says ** WHEN YOU FEEL PASSING OUT AND THAT THERE IS NO LONGER STRENGTH TO CONTINUE AND YOU HAVE THOUGHT OF ABANDONING THAT DREAM, THAT LONGING, THAT IS IN YOUR SOUL, THE MIND SAYS NO, YOU CAN DO NOTHING, BUT YOUR HEART WILL NOT STOP TO BELIEVE", that piece of the song collapsed me so much that I just started crying and crying, but it stopped hurting me, from that day on I started listening to it daily and every so often then I changed listening to other Christian songs and here months later , I start to think that if it was possible and that I still have a lot to do and that I will be able to, and it is true that there are songs that fill the soul with life again
Si te tomaste de Leer esto ,de verdad muchas gracias porque este es un escrito que salió de mi intimidad
If you took reading this, really thank you very much because this is a writing that came out of my privacy