With more than 70 varieties described, Gymnocalycium are beautiful, of an indomitable nature, resistant to various types of climates and heights, their morphology is highly variable due to the hybridization between species by natural pollinators and human intervention, it is one of the most cacti resistant of the planet its distribution in South America starts from Paraguay, Brazil, Chile and Argentina, standing out in the estuaries, savannas and even the paramos where it lives successfully despite the frosts and everything that refers to the Andean climate, its reproduction It is asexual by suckers that fall from the mother plants and by seeds distributed by birds, reptiles and insects, its globular growth makes them very attractive and its blooms are spectacular, very beautiful and delicate, unique in its morphology compared to other cacti, today I invite you to know a little about this beautiful species of cactus that fascinates and hallucinates me.

The Photos and Texts in this publication are made by me.