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RE: Reimagining Creative Support: Hive as a Web3.0 Patreon Alternative

in Palnet2 months ago

I love it.
I love the mindset. That's how I see Web3 too, sometimes I say "Patreon on steroids". Some comments here point out that onboarding is the biggest hurdle. Yeah, sure. I've been preaching NFTs in the same similar way - direct relationship between brand and fanbase. Mainstream still thinks "NFT" is cursed scam gambles. So it's a lot of yelling at the wall to Web2 people, lol

But I'm hopeful that things will be changing very fast. Especially if better regulation comes soon that at least enforces laws regarding gambling and scams to protect consumers. Then I think Web3 will really blow up based on content and utility. Until then, it's up to people like us to lead by example!!!!

Hive is perfect for Web3 social media, and I'm fully on board to spread the cause and get more creators also joining in similar ways. As you pointed out, don't migrate completely from Patreon. Do both. The Patreon will be the biggest funnel for dedicated fans.
We should have a live stream interview about this sometime and promote your vision!

How are you distributing your music content on Web3, and plan to? 😁
I like your mission and plan to use Hive as community inner circle tool, but how would they actually be watching or listening to your music, beyond blog interaction? The videos are linked or embedded in posts or website?

NFT is the way to go here, IMO. You could do both the Hive model, and also WAX collection for music/video content. Instead of views and listens, the songs and performances and BTS can be owned in user wallets. Gamified through packs, blends for upgrades, holder rewards, etc. And earned for free through engagement, or purchased. WAX Blockchain is just as efficient as Hive for this, we do nearly free instant transactions (2k NFTs delivered in Twitch in 5 hours yesterday!). And no coding required, it's all easy upload dashboards like having a YouTube channel.
Exclusivity can also apply, you could have exclusive content for people that hold any specific NFT. And you can track holders at any time and their activity; it is truly an inner circle marketing gold mine. Airdrops can include future NFT, like access to future drops etc, it doesn't have to be money airdrops. But I do share 10% revenue with my collection's "Mythic" holders, and I have a farm where users stake to earn tiny drips, so really you can do anything! Could even launch your own loyalty token eventually with use case.

Back to onboarding.... Web2 people don't understand and are afraid of this kind of talk. It's an uphill battle, but we're trying to show the benefits to the content creator demographic (some WAX creators and streamers and I). So we're really working on the same mission! I need to learn more and participate more in Hive myself. Will try in 2025.

Cheers a bright future!