Thanks for the mention @vincentnijman. You got my name right, too. :)
I think some of your followers may have dropped by my post and left behind some "love" (aka upvotes). Thanks, man!
Stay safe and be well...
Thanks for the mention @vincentnijman. You got my name right, too. :)
I think some of your followers may have dropped by my post and left behind some "love" (aka upvotes). Thanks, man!
Stay safe and be well...
De nada, Juan.
It helps that I know Spanish and can spell quite well ;<)
Cool to see that some of my followers / readers/ friends actually follow up on my advice and check out the people that I mention.
Buen fin de semana,
I barely speak Spanish @vincentnijman, but I understand enough since many Spanish words have been carried over to our language. Good for me that your audience do follow your advice. Have a nice weekend! :)
Ah, the 'Juan' part in your name made me draw that conclusion. What country are you from? :<)
I'm actually from the Philippines. We were a Spanish colony for a long time before the Americans came and did their thing... :)
Ah, I see :>)