The story Is told of a partially deaf four year-old kid who came home with a note in his pocket from his teache: "Your boy is too stupid to learn. Get him out ot the schoo. His courageous mother read thenote and answered: "Myboy is not stupid to learn. I will teach him myself" and that boy who was rejected by men, grew up to become the great Thomas Edison. Oh, there is power in determination! Can you ever mention a great man or woman who succeeded and affected his/her generation without setbackS, obstacles or problems? Late Nelson
IMandela was jailed for 27 vears! Late M.K.O.Abiola was dumped in the
dustbin at birth because nobody was sure he would live. Years ago,
Kanu Nwankwo, the great NIgerian footballer, nearly died of heart
problems. Abraham Lincoln was raised in poverty! EnnicoCaruso was
the first to survive in a poor Italian family of 18 children. Mrs. Ilabar, the
lady who lost all her three children in the ill-fated Sosoliso air crash of
December 10th, 2005 did not die because of that. All she could say
during the special interdenominational funeral service was: "All died.
Al All died." At a point, even the policemen who were askedto politely
vdcuate her, refused to obey orders, saying, "Leave her alone. Yet, Can a woman did not commit suicide! She is alive! whyare you planning
to give up on God'? Have you heard
of motion without friction? Let me
know if there is a great star without a
scar! Search the internet and see if
ever finda story of triumph without trals! Esther was an orphan
Mordecai was a gateman! Paul was a murderer! Peter was an illiterate!
dd not disguise himself as a woman to escape, but he was a vagabond! Yes, mountains exist, but God wants you to know that He is be on your case and ifvou refuse to stop accusing Him, you will singled out of the crowd for an uncommon testimony! Hold on and
hold out!
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