Just to be clear... I have nothing against people that have high stakes to lead this chain into a good way... Limiting someone's positive creativity is a crazy thing, but limiting ourselves to do stupid, negative things would be actually a good move...
But, maybe I'm too utopian... :)
Moving to a tipping rewards system is the only real way ... would also stop people from voting themselves or creating secondary accounts to do so ... look at Whaleshares the problem is solved just required willingness of controlling parties to give up their ability to rape the rewards pool and limit others ability to be rewarded.
well, we have a tipping system, we will see how it will be adopted... I wouldn't give up so fast on the main Hive idea about the rewards, but we need some adjusting...
but, as you said... someone should give up his "rights" to do this thing better, and that will be hard to happen