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RE: The UK Kalergi Plan Replacement Theory 1984 Big Brother Take Over Done By… You Know Who

in Palnet7 months ago

Question: Why is it that in all of these Talmudic writings describing the "end of Gentiles", only Christianity is mentioned? OK, we all know that Muslims are also to become a target. But what about the other religions? Does the Talmud give the 1.1 billion Hindu worshippers a pass? What about the 500 million Buddhists? Why does "God" demand the destruction of Chirstians but leaves an almost equal amount of "other" worshippers alone? What about atheists? Does the Talmud say that they are OK? Is it the Talmud that is stoking hatred between Chirstianity and "Judaism" or is it the readers/translators/commentaryists that are simply leaving out the other religions because those conflicts aren't "useful"?


just a case of "My god is better than yours"

Atheism does not partake, so does Buddhism or hinduism.