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RE: Getting Jacked and Connected To Survive and Prosper During The Apocalypse

in Palnetlast year

Jeff, if you happen to read this, I fricken Luv ya! & Lucy! Congrats on your verbally entertaining, intelligenté niño! I think its so cooL th@ you're both a ♐ Sagittarius! Wasn't he born ON or around 11.11.22 ?!? 11:11 synchronicities...11+11=22...

I've watched EVERY Infotainment vid you've made in the last 3+ years! I hope to meet you some day. I really wanted 2 come 2 AnARChapuLco. Maybe nexT yr for your milestone 10th anniversary!

Like you, I'm a fire sign; ♈ Aires. Also a Gen-Xer, just 4 years younger & share a lot of the same views on life as you!
Here's a GR8 short on Gen-X:

I'm also an aspiring Holistic Health Coach, Nutritionist, & EnErGy HeaLer. I know a ton on holistic health & 'alternative' healing modalities.

Did you know that Coffee ☕ Enemas were in the Merck Manual right up until the 70's?!? This coming from the L8 GR8, Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, who was ONE of a dozen or so mysterious holistic doctor deaths in the summer of 2015! (OVER 200+ since Erin Elizabeth has covered them since 2015!) He was a New York holistic doctor who was highly successful @ eradicating Autoimmune conditions & Cancers. The often difficult to treat Pancreatic Cancer was his specialty! See my GooTube playlist I began compiling & curating over 10 yrs ago: Cancer Answers: Natural/'Alternative' Tools & Treatment protocols & WMAs (Weapons of Mass Apoptosis)

He was using Coffee ☕ enemas, Proteolytic/Systemic pancreatic enzymes, multiple different diets, autonomic nervous system balancing, & ?...

Much of his protocol was influenced & based on Orthodondist, Dr. William Kelley's protocols who healed his own Pancreatic Cancer! He practiced through the 70s, but was highly vilified & I believe expatriated outta da USSA.

Dr. Gonzalez also trained & mentored the briLLianT & bee-U-tifuL holistic Psychiatrist, Dr. Kelly Brogan on his healing protocols! Moreover, I recently learned, Nick's widowed wife, Mary Beth set up & facilitated training 7 holistic practitioners (know as "Guardians") to learn & carry on his Legacy! @10 min mark:

His colleague, Dr. Linda Isaacs moved from NY & now continues her practice in Austin, Tx.

As you might also be aware, ☕ Coffee enemas were a major part of the Gerson Therapy & are used in a few other Holistic Mexican Cancer Treatment Centers! One is Hope 4 Cancer clinics in both Tijuana & Cancun where Dr. Jimminez is one the 7 Guardians.

Coffee ☕ enemas are a pain reliever & produce Glutathione via the liver. Glutathione, as you may be aware is your body's main antiOXidant & DETOXifier! I believe ☕ enemas were discovered during one of the wars when pain medz were out & to speed healing of wounded soldiers!

Glutathione is a tri-peptide consisting of the amino acids glycine, cysteine, & glutamic acid. For ppl who can't or won't do enemas, you can boost your glutathione by consuming foods rich in these aminos. Eggs are rich in cysteine. Protein formulas such as collagen & whey are extremely rich in all 3. Collagen is especially high in glycine which Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt & Dr. Mercola recommend 1-3 grams/daily (1G =1K mg); especially those who consume a lot of non-organic grains desiccated w/ glyphosate (MonSatan's Roundup) before, wheat & oats.

Another highly effective glutathione booster is the supplement NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine). It's espoused for its ability to detox harmful compounds & used for over consumption of Tylenol & alcohol. (A GR8 before/after hangover anecdote!) Its used in the ER for these situations & also for pulmonary issues.

Jeff, regarding sweet Lucy, I would maybe try to implement some doggy-zymes, aka digestive enzymes. Proteolytic enzymes such as papain or bromelin. I know she likes apples, would she dig papaya (papain) or pineapples (bromelin)? You obviously could just give her the these supps w/ a meal as well. I don't know off the top of the dome (H-Mack ref, LIMH!) any companies, but I know I've come across a few in the past. Look em up! Maybe check w/ your Vet to 2C what they think of this idea?

Regarding the red meat issue, you obviously could see if adding enzymes would help. If not, maybe try and give her some red meat every once in a while as a treat?!? She'd probably give you even MORE 💋 You know what it's like when it's been sooo looong since not having something you used to Love!!

Regarding, your precious baby boy, I learned from you recently about him being a cesarean birth. Babies not born naturally don't get the full inoculation of the mother's beneficial flora in the birthing canal. Maybe you're aware of this & are already implementing foods rich in beneficial probiotics? Maybe @ a certain age you can feed him foods such as quality yogurt or kefir. Kefir is superior in that it contains far more beneficial probiotic strains. Later on, you could introduce fermented veggies such as sauerkraut or kimchi!

I actually meant to send you this info & MUCH more, ESPECIALLY every time you've mentioned ☕ enemas! I'm a Hive newbie & have only recently began commenting on your Vigilante platform (one of my decentralized favs!), only to waste my time w/ "Crazyeddie1980" trying to get him to look into the history & fraud of ViroLIEgy & Germ 'Theory'. I also gave you a referal & referenced ECI Development on a recent commenter's, ("UnToke") request; asking you for some resources for moving to Mexico. (Phires & Philanthropaths vid).

That's all for now hermano...Thank you for ALL you do for humanity! You are on the right path personally, spiritually, & health-wise! Def on your way to becoming the BEST version of your higher, 'Christos/Christ- consciousness' self!!

Hasta Luego Jeff!
