Highlights for Lifestyle and Catarsis By @soy-laloreto | Week # 47

in Palnet2 months ago

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Lifestyle and Catharsis communities.Greetings to all! Each week, I'll be choosing 5 outstanding posts that will be curated by the @msp-curation account. These posts will come from the

Without further words, these are this week's posts:


Lifestyle y Catarsis.¡Saludos a tdos! Cada semana estaré escogiendo 5 publicaciones resaltantes que serán curadas por la cuenta @msp-curation. Estas publicaciones serán provenientes de las comunidades de

Sin más nada que decir, estas son las publicaciones de esta semana:

Highlights: Week #47

My 2025 VisionBoard [Eng/Esp]

By @lenpenton

Actually, this is the first year in which I do a visionboard, in this case for the upcoming 2025. Although I already knew what it was from videos I saw in previous years, I had never dared to make one.

Creando mi Vision Board 2025

By @ikigaidesign

This is basically, what I think and want to continue working on, to improve, focus on my Health, as I put in vision of 2024, I wanted to achieve surgery, to feel better, and thank God I did, but it does not end there, I know I have to take care of myself, keep the diet, exercises, above all this, I want to continue with my Yoga, walking, as I have been doing, and well, later, maybe another exercise, there we will see.

La amistad por sobre nuestras diferencias./Friendship above our differences.

By sandracabrera

Con el tiempo he cambiado el concepto que tenía sobre la amistad. De hecho, nunca he tenido muchos amigos; por el contrario, siempre han sido muy poco. Lo que me ha dado la oportunidad de conocerlos y que ellos me conozcan. Con toda responsabilidad me atrevo a decir que la base de la amistad es la confianza, y con ella se deslizan en forma natural las confesiones, las revelaciones y toda forma de comunicación que conlleva a darnos a conocer de una forma que no lo hacemos con otras personas.

Lista para planificar el 2025

By @ambarvegas

En el Secretariado de Pastoral Juvenil realizamos un intercambio de agendas para cerrar el año, y la que me regalaron a mí fue la roja que les mostré anteriormente. Me la regaló Yaretzi, una chica muy organizada que me entregó una agenda súper útil dónde cada día tiene una hoja dividida en horas para poder planear todas las reuniones o actividades que tenga previstas.

Sueños en papel: mi vision board | Dreams on paper: my vision board

By @jakylee

Now, one of my main purposes is to turn exercise into a life habit, I want sport to be part of my daily routine, not only for physical wellness, but also for the improvement of my mental health, it helps me feel better about myself and create an image of me that I like a lot, for me skincare is super essential and more now that due to economic issues I have not been able to buy many things, therefore, I plan to invest in skincare products that help me maintain a radiant and healthy skin, I want to highlight my natural beauty and I will take care of making this goal possible.

And these were this week's posts. See you more next week with more great posts.


Y estas fueron las publicaciones de esta semana. Nos vemos más la próxima semana con más publicaciones geniales.

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