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RE: Reimagining Creative Support: Hive as a Web3.0 Patreon Alternative

in Palnet2 months ago

This could really be a model. We need to first plan out the exact steps it would take to get everyone onboard and to be really really clear about what to do so they feel safe, welcome and will engage. I really appreciate the offer to help, I think it will be invaluable having other longtime community members here supporting. If we can create this as a true model going forward, this could be a way of bringing a lot of different creators on the platform and would be very much inline with the Decentralized mission of Hive.
Plus, our ability as story-tellers and our network could really help to attract people to the vibrant community that is here. I would love to get more people involved in crafting the narrative of exactly what HIVE is.. perhaps there is even a collaborative community video that we could produce that others could use to easily onboard people and set up a similar kind of symbiotic economy.


I know new users need some hand-holding and it can be hard work, so building up a network can help. I think if you create a Hive community for fans, like a Facebook groups, then it can give you some control to moderate it. Just make sure to back up all relevant keys! I managed to lose keys for a community I created :(

Hive is like the wild west, but then it offer opportunities.

Good luck with this.

Before we launch, we will do a heck of a lot of research and planning to make this successful. It could backfire spectacularly if we aren't super air tight with what we do...

If you can find a few volunteers to test-drive it then that will help. I'll help where I can. It could be fun anyway.