Hello Hive Community,
It has been over a year since my last post, so hopefully you'll enjoy it! (If you don't want to read a recap of 2019 skip to the 'Today's Update' Section)
A big difference I've noticed while writing this post is that I am writing it on hive.blog instead of Steemit.com. Crazy how much can change in one year.
I wrote my last post after getting back to from my year long entrepreneurial adventure in Mansfield Missouri. Back then I was motivated to get started - I purchased an LED grow light, started a closet garden, and got some seeds + tubers from @sagescrub and @mountainjewel. I was ready to start experimenting with how much yield I could get from a very limited amount of square footage.
The closet garden I created was okay, I was able to make two salads with the lettuce I grew from it. The salads were about a month apart from each other haha. I will say that I harvested more cilantro and basil from the closet garden then I could eat. So, if I were to have another go at the closet garden, I would get rid of the lettuce and focus on herbs like basil and cilantro.
Midway through 2019 I moved, and after that move I built a 7'x4' raised bed. I was able to plant some tomatoes, pumpkins, and some other things but it was already pretty late into the growing season. My dog Jax (the same one that chewed up the seeds) decided the garden was a great place to dig. But, if you tune in to Lazy Sundaze Broadcast on https://mspwaves.com/ you'll know that the garden grew back and I was still able to harvest some produce.
Today's Update
There are two methods I'm looking to utilize with my garden experiment. I am looking to use Square Foot Gardening and No Dig. I'm doing this intentionally in an attempt to maximize the produce yield per square foot and minimize the labor needed to grow. Here are some photos of 2020's garden. So far there's lemon balm, tomatoes, peas, squash, cilantro, basil and purple orach. I have some lettuce sprouting as well to plant them later in the season. The tomatoes started sprawling out this past week, a week or two ago they didn't look as wild.
Here you can see some basil plants peaking through the foliage. To the left is some Blue Hubbard squash and cilantro.
My tomatoes are still green, cant wait for these to ripen up. Maybe I'll try making a pasta sauce using the tomatoes and the basil? What do you think?
I still have not Identified this plant, but it's growing in the center of my garden. I think it may be some kind of gourd? Who knows, I guess I'll find out in a few weeks.
And that's that. Besides the garden experiments I've been exploring a number of other things. I've steadily been learning Python, I recently built and hosted my first discord bot using Python and Heroku. I started my first business TeriGrowth, LLC. I uploaded the first season of the Learning to be a Food Entrepreneur podcast here . There's so much to do and so little time.
If you made it this far, thanks for taking the time to read my post. If you enjoy this update but don't like how infrequently I've been posting - I talk about Food, Tech and Media during Lazy Sundaze Broadcast 5pm EST to 7pm EST in the PAL discord. Would love to see you there!
Thank you for your time,
McKenzie Gary
Better late than never!