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RE: Let's Go Back To Garden Eden.

in Hive Naija7 days ago

Interesting thoughts, I love animals in fact I currently have 5 cats and have had several dogs, animals are so noble, much more so than humans, you have made me meditate on things we assume as mortal, but really came to us after eating of the fruit of the tree of good and evil, death, women's labor pains, work, and obviously the date we celebrate Christmas. Finally, I join you in your desire to personally see the Garden of Eden.


Oh my! Five cat you- say.. that's beautiful🥹 I recently held a new born cat and oh mhen.. It was an amazing feeling really.

Finally, I join you in your desire to personally see the Garden of Eden.

Am glad I could get you see reasons with me, you're always welcome anytime😌

Thank you for reading through 🌹