How I would raise my kids

in Hive Naija7 months ago (edited)

Hello hivers, welcome to my blog, trust you all had a fantastic week.
My regards to hive-naija for this weeks prompt.

 The question is what I wont do when i have kids.

Children are blessing to everyone, but have you asked the first born if having siblings are a blessing to him/her.
Growing up i spent so much time with my elder sis( She’s the first born) she took me everywhere and was practically forced to be our mum when my mum wasn’t available.

My parents didn’t see the nagative effect of what it was doing to her, she sacrificed her childhood to look after us and i won’t want that to happen to my child.
So here’s what i would do differently.

  1. I would never ask my child to baby sit any of his/her sibling. Their No will be respected and as a parent i will look for an alternative. Its not their responsibility to parent their siblings, they are kids too and not The third parent.

  2. Even when they baby sit, they would be appreciated and it would be limited to 4hours max to prevent overstimulation.

  3. I will ensure to spend personal time with my first child too, so they don’t feel neglected, I want them to know that no matter how many kids i have, they will always be my baby too.

  4. I will keep all chores equal, so he/she doesnt feel they being “cinderall’d” and doing most of the chores cause they are older.

Don’t get me wrong, I never said they’re not allowed to help out, or care for their siblings, let it be their choice to go the extra mile for their siblings, instead of being forced to do it cause they’re are the eldest.

Now for my children in general

  1. Chores: everyone will partake, as long as you can work, i wont spare you, you have to learn how to make your bed, arrange your room and fold your clothes
    It would teach them how to be organized and neat.

  2. Inspection of friends: not every kid would have access to my child, they will be friendly but not easily accessible, they say “ bad company corrupt good manners”

  3. Etiqutte: simple gestures like “Thank you” “please” “i’m sorry” they would learn how to imply these words when needed, it shows appreciation, respect and builds character

  4. Eating together: every meal would be taken as a family to create bond and trust amongst ourselves

  5. Family trips: explore and have adventures as a family, it would help us to bond and as parents we can observe the strength and weakness of our children in a new environment.

  6. I wont use any abuse words on them, and fool language would be highly prohibited

  7. When they get to 10years they will learn how to earn money and any money they earn would be put into their trust fund.

  8. They will be taught how to be givers, and not the type that gives exhaustingly but cheerful and with a budget

  9. Contentment: they will be taught how to be contented with what they have.

Thanks for reading, feel free to leave a comment.

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