Trending no more. HN #77.

in Hive Naija3 months ago (edited)

"This too shall pass".

This was a popular saying that was revamped during the time of covid-19. Optimistic people used this saying to cool their mind and guard against the fear of the unknown brought about by the lockdown. But sincerely I find a lot of truth in that phrase because "nothing lasts forever" in this world. Something that was the rave of the moment a while ago, would soon become a thing of the past in the near future. "Abeg life no balance at all".

my image

I remember a funny event that happened with one of my vneighbours back in the day, at my old residence. He lived in a rented apartment like the rest of us and soon, he bought a car. I remember it to be a Peugeot 504. Guys, I literally watched this man worship his car. He would not allow kids to play close to it for fear of them scratching the car body. He woke up early to "warm the engine" and did the same at night, yet he rarely drove it to work. "Have you seen a man with a functional car but yet he still treks to work?" that was my neighbour for you. He refused to use the car claiming that he was trying to maintain it and aviod damage due to reckless driving from others and that's how that car stayed at a spot for years untill new and better cars were made and introduced into the market. The likes of Toyota and BMW aka Be my wife are good examples. At the end, this neighbour had to sell the car as scrap material because it phased out.

There are gadgets and techs that used to trend in the past. Everyone wanted them but now, they are barely seen while some have completely phased out. I have some fond memories with some old trend techs that I'll share below.

  1. Tortoise car

Yes, that was the name it was well known for back in the day and trust me it looked like one except it had no shell. Tortoise car was a very famous car back in the day. I'm talking about the early 1990's. Anyone who had that car was revered as a "big man" in the area. One of the things I miss about the car was the fact that anyone who entered it automatically had to hunch thier backs to be comfortable whether it's the driver or passengers. That car also looked hilarious to me but hey it was trending and no one dared say otherwise. I'm so glad that car has phased out cos I can't imagine seeing such a car besides a sports car or a lambo of today.

  1. Boiling ring

This boiling ring was also a very popular tech back im the day. I'm not so certain if it has phased out but I'm quite glad that it is no more in use as it used to be. Back then, almost every household had one and it was simply used for boiling water whenever there was electric power supply. Some people even used it to boil rice. The reason I'm glad it's no more in use is due to the high accident rate it caused. In my former residence, two children lost their lives due to using this boiling ring. They were electocuted when they went to plug it in a socket so as to boil water for home use.

Another woman's house got burnt because she left the boiling ring on and went to the market. The boiling ring got so hot that it melted the bucket and started a fire, razing the house to the ground. By the time she returned, her house was gone. Personally, I have received my fair share of electric shock from it but it was not fatal. As useful as it was then, I'm glad that there are now better and safer gadgets being used in homes and the era of boiling ring is being forgotten.

Thanks for reading....shalom

Images are screenshots from my opera mini browser.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Good old days I remember tortoise car where the boot is in front while the bonnet behind 😂

Chai that's true. This shows that you are not a gen z.

Gen sees don't know this one 😂😂

Thanks for reading me.

😂😂 they don't know it o,, it's latest and trending electronic gadgets they know

😂😂😂, you are correct o

Boiling pin, I didn't know it's called that too. It caused a lot of accidents indeed, it's a good one it's no longer in use.

Now that I think about it, I've only seen tortoise car on pictures or packed one side, never riding on the road 😅

The sources of your images are not proper, although these images aren't what we can get easily. You can use imagined images instead in case of next time.

Okay, thanks for the tip 👍

This car is world class oo
Expensive asset of those days.

This boiling ring that took some people lives😂😂😂
The shock from it if you are not careful no be here oo

But it is very effective in making water hot.

Very effective indeed. So you know tortoise car too 😂😂😂

That car will not make heaven o

Thanks dear

Our landlord when I was little owed it.
No be small thing with him caring for the car oo

I'm sure he turned the car to a deity and was serving it offerings 😂😂😂😂😂


This boiling ring mere m 30 🤣 but I still have the small type, although no longer in use.


Did you have any electric shock

Na normal things na


That's true o

Beetles, my Papa's first car🤣🤣

A boiling ring or water heater was my saving grace back then in the university. Do you wanna eat beans quick before NEPA carries its light? The boiling ring was a sure plug👌👌

But the home accident caused by this thing no be here o

Thank God it's no longer in use

So you also knew that cooking hack? Wow, you be old gee o 😂😂😂

Thanks for reading me. Season's greetings

Ha! Tortoise car and Peugeot 504 then were for big men. High-class cars. Things evolve quickly.😂

As for that boiling ring, I never liked it. The thing really caused plenty accidents

You are right o. One wrong move with that boiling ring and one is done for.

Seasons Greetings. Thanks

i really miss that boiling ring. those days, when you are boiling water for bathing, you lock the door and warn the kids not to go close to the water

😂😂😂 that's true. That device was indomitable in boiling water within seconds.

Thank you and complete of the season

You welcome ma'am

Thank God that boiling ring is no longer in existence because the kind of shocking I received from it, omo no be here o.

You too received shocking? I thought I was the only one 😁😁😁

I'm glad it's no longer in use cos of the numerous accidents.

Compliments of the season ma

Omo different shockings sef 😂

Do have a blessed day ahead 💖

You too ma'am

I still have one small boiling ring that I was using in my office before the meter was changed to prepaid 😂.

You na old school oo😂

Me and boiling ring don't see eye to eye oo. Thank God for electric kettle

Tortoise cars were the best and only for rich men, I remembered one igbo man had it and he wouldn't give anyone a ride, even his friends. He literally doesn't like kids anywhere around his house because if his car.😂😂

I never used a boiling ring though our neighbors have them, my parents preferred to use a kettle and stove.

 3 months ago  

Voted by Hive Naija.gif

I love that car. I will buy the newer version when I become rich, just to keep it.


Chai, this is a clear case ofmoney miss road

Who told you .... It's investment

Alright, if you say so 😁😁