in Hive Naija9 months ago

Back in 2019 memes were made in anticipation for the twin year, it wasn't like the year held any special meaning to anyone but yet everyone was excited about it. Even I was excited about the twin year, but when it finally came I couldn't wait for it to be over.

The crossover was like any other spectacular cross over night, there was burn fire, free suya, the sound of knockouts everywhere and most of all the jubilation that hung in the air, for me the crossing over ceremony has always been way more exciting than the new year day celebration.
We crossed over to the new year with joy and by the time January began rumours of the pandemic had been floating in the air but no one In Nigeria really cared about it because it supposedly didn't affect black people🙄.

In the same January we lost our precious Kobe Bryant and his daughter (R.I.P), we all mourned but we still had high hopes for the year.
On the 14th of February bayelsa state witnessed a miracle happen, a candidate that was not chosen by the people Of bayelsa state became governor and was soon nicknamed the miracle governor.
The year had started to show signs that it was a year of signs and wonders indeed and people continued with their high expectations for the year.
I too had high expectations for the year of signs and wonders and with hope and joy I expected goodness to come soon.
I expected and expected but what I got was a hand ripping my heart out. My mother died.

Words could not describe the agony I felt, my body was on earth but my soul had moved to a place unknown to me. She had lived only five weeks into the twin year and finally went to be with her maker.

I was only 15 at the time and I still needed my mother with me, even now I still do. she had been sick for a while and with hope in God we had crossed over to the year of signs and wonders but 2020 was anything but a year of signs and wonders. By the time the pandemic officially got to Nigeria we had already held her funeral, she was buried beside her dear husband.

I couldn't cope with the loss and soon I was depressed, many negative thoughts ran through my mind and I fought really hard to ward them off. Then the lockdown started and I had to stay home which made my depression worst. I developed insomnia so i stayed up all night and to kill time I would watch movies. I couldn't cry like I was supposed to and I thought something was wrong with me, whenever I closed my eyes I would see her in my dreams and that wasn't comforting at all because it reminded me that she wasn't in the same house with me anymore.
Like me many people had lost a loved one that year but I'm grateful to God nevertheless because in all things give thanks to God.

If there's anything I could bring back pre-pandemic it is your life mama. R.I.P

To those who have lost someone dear to them I want you my dear reader to know that the soul of your loved one lives on through your memories.


Losing a love one is indeed heart wrecking, especially a parent the pain is unexplainable.

I'm so sorry for your loss. It is well.

Thank u so much😊

 9 months ago  

I’m really sorry for the loss you had to experience. 2020 was not a nice year indeed. Hopefully, you have more strength to deal with the pain of life than you did years ago.

I hope you're better now dearest. You're incredibly strong and I appreciate you sharing this.🌺

Thank u, I had to give myself a lot of Pep talk before posting this lol😆