To stay healthy, physically and mentally, what daily routine do you do intentionally? Aside hitting the gym, what other ways do you lead a healthy life, personally? After a very hectic day, what's your most favourite way to regain lost energy? - - - Take this prompt however you'd like, just write HEALTHY!
What do you think is the reason why people always make this statement, health is wealth? With my own understanding, it's only when we are healthy that we can be able to achieve wealth or riches. Being healthy compromises of mental, emotional and physical health. In other to remain healthy mentally, i make sure i examine the scriptures daily. I make sure i read one or potion's of the Bible every day. More especially in the morning. With that, it makes me so think and reason positively throughout the day. Like today i read Ezra 8: 31. Im part, God says that whoever that touches his people touches the pupil of his eyes. That's to show how precious we are to him. He has promised to protect his people. With that in mind, am confident in mind that God will keep providing, protecting and guiding me despite my challenges in life.
Physically, i maintain a healthy life. At home, i engage myself with physical exercise. I call it whole body exercise. I downloaded those exercises on YouTube. The include Zumba dance, 20 or 30 miles walk. Sometimes, 2 miles work. With that, i remain physically fit. Not only that, i drink healthy coffee ☕. I make sure i don't miss breakfast, take enough water, eat healthy foods and have enough rest as well.
Here is the link to my daily healthy exercise at home
Instead of going to gym, i have also find this helpful to maintain a healthy Life
You can use the link to download those exercises on YouTube. Right under your roof, you can engage yourself with physical exercise without going out. Your heart will be freed, giving the blood chances to flow very well in your body and guess what? You remain healthy too.
After a hectic day, to regain the strength lost, this is exactly what i used to do. First is to take Ginseng coffee ☕ or Red bubbles tea. Both serves as an energy drink to me. Sometimes, i do take cardamom tea, it's also a coffee drink. Both of the above mentioned coffee's is a good source of energy or energy repellant.
Apart from these healthy drinks, i make sure i took my bath and have enough rest when am stressed out. With that, i regain my lost strength for the day. After a hectic day, i do feel pains on my legs. So, i have this massaging routine. With the help of neem oil, i do massage my legs so that i will be able to move the next day. I do take some pain reliefs and calcium supplements. The popose of all these things is to regain myself and remain healthy.
This is the simple way i maintain a healthy life without spending much.
Awwwnnn look at my JW sister🥰🥰
Really?? !ALIVE