in Hive Naijalast year


Greetings feels so good to participate in this week's prompt.

How often does your instinct speak to you? Do you listen and oblige? I recall a very significant incident that occurred the day of valentine. I wished I had listened to my instinct and done something to prevent it.

It was a blissful evening and I decided to step out of my house to get some toiletries. A young lady passed me by and immediately, my instincts told me "call the lady back". It happened twice but I ignored it. I thought to myself, why should I call her back, I don't even know who she is, what will I discuss with her if I eventually call her back?.


Well, I passed and went my way. I got to the supermarket, bought the toiletries and headed back home.

On my way home, I saw a group of people gathered in one spot. I was curious to know what was going on. Normally, I would have walked pass because I like to mind my business but I was really curious and moved to find out the reason for the gathering.


I managed to get through the crowd, I was so shocked to find out that the same lady my instincts asked me to call back was lying dead on the floor.
Then I asked one of the people in the crowd, "what is going on here please"?

She collapsed while walking. Oh! My God! I felt so shocked,I was shivering. How? Why? It was then that I recalled that she was actually wailing in pain when she passed me by. I should not have ignored her. I hurriedly left the place in great astonishment.


I didn't even even know how I managed to get to my house. Why didn't I listen to my instinct? Why did I prove stubborn. I felt like I had a hand in the lady's death. I could've called her back, maybe I would've been able to find out what wrong with her and I would've helped. I felt like I was selfish and my selfishness led to someone's death.

I was still shivering when I got home and I couldn't even tell anyone what happened. I was almost going into depression. It wasn't a good way to begin the year. My dad was worried about me, he didn't even how to help me because I couldn't tell anyone what happened.

Few weeks later, I was able to open up to my dad, I narrated the whole thing to my dad, he was to calm me down. I ask God for forgiveness because each day I wake up and remember the incident, I feel so horrible. If I could turn back the hands of time, if I could go back and redo what I did, just maybe would have still been alive today. I still blame myself for it till today, I would have brought her back to life I had that power.


 last year  

Wow. So deeply sorry about that. I know how terrible a feeling it is when we don't pay attention to our instincts and then something we could have prevented happens.
I'm glad you were able to forgive yourself for it.

Thank you