Welcome To The United States

in Hive Naija5 months ago

“Wow… I guess the US would be a nice place and a place to live in”, Ademola said happily.
“Do you wish to come over?” Priscilla asked to be the younger sister to Ademola.
“I would love to come, but I hope there are no scary scenes in those areas. You know I'm the type who is always scared of anything called horror”, Ademola said in return.
“I will send you some money to prepare your Visa as well as your flight money, although it will be faster if you pass through the agency “, Priscilla said.

Two months later, Priscilla sent his elder brother the money for both flights and to prepare for his Visa. After another two months, the Visa was prepared, and he headed straight to the airport. He booked a flight and after a week, he took off to the US.
While on the plane, a white man wore a Halloween dress, which made Ademola adjust himself so well. “I'm in for it today”, he said silently within himself.

Michael Noel

A few minutes later, he fell asleep. He began to have a dirty dream. This same man who dressed in the Halloween dress came to his dream and started tormenting him. “Welcome to America”, the man said in a calm voice with a scary look.
“Ademola was so scared and could not say a word and instead remained glued to the position he was in.
“Who are you?” He asked.
“He began to laugh at Ademola with his masked face that looked real. His face was just like some of this masquerade in the village. Since he had lived 85% of his life in the village, he had no idea about something called Halloween.

“Blood of Jesus”, he shouted as he rose immediately. On rising, he saw that same person standing beside him. “Satan! Satan! Satan!*, he shouted as everyone was surprised by the way he was shouting.
“What's wrong?” The man in the Halloween dress asked.
“You are my problem”, he said.
“How?” The man asked.

“I don't like you just because of the way you look and dress”, Ademola said.
“Oh, don't mind me; it's our culture today to celebrate Halloween,” the man said in return.

Priscilla had got to the airport waiting for Ademola’s plane to land. After waiting for a few hours, the plane landed and they both went home.

He explained his experience in the plane to Priscilla, but she only laughed without saying a word.

At night, Demola went to the bathroom to ease himself but immediately jumped out of the bathroom after seeing the same man he saw on the plane.
“He's there again.” Priscilla was so surprised to hear that statement from her elder brother.
“Who's there?” She asked.
“That man in the plane, he's in the bathroom”, Ademola replied.
Priscilla could not wait a minute before going to the bathroom to check on who was there.
“No one is inside here, or are you still dreaming? She asked.

As Ademola turned to his left, he saw the same image of that same guy and immediately ran to his room forgetting that he wanted to urinate.
“He's there again; he's there ,” he said.
“Where? Because I can't find anyone”, Priscilla replied.
“Please, I want to go back home”, Ademola ordered.
“Maybe it's your imagination”, Priscilla said.

Priscilla left Ademola as she was feeling sleepy. Ademola refused to sleep, instead opening his eyes so wide. After some minutes, the power holders took the electricity and there was total darkness. After some minutes, he fell asleep. In the middle of the night, he opened his eyes and saw the light blinking different colors. Sometimes, it would trip off, while sometimes, it would become bright. Anytime it trips off, it stays for about three minutes to light up to another color, but when it lights up to another color, it stays for a shorter period before switching to another color.

He turned his gaze to the single couch in his room, he saw this same guy with Halloween outfits. He jumped up and tried to open the door, but immediately, the light dropped off. Likewise, he could not open the door as everywhere was in darkness except after three minutes. He began to shout, but it was just as if the door were padded as no one outside was able to hear his shout. Not only that, but he glued himself to one spot without drifting, and at once, the light tripped on again, but then he could not find a single soul in the room he was in.
“Would it be my imagination of what had happened in the plane?” He asked himself, but then he could not figure out any answer to his question.

Meanwhile, his sister has a grown-up boy of about 18 years. His stature would match up with Ademola and even more than his body size. He was welcomed by this boy when he first entered, but then he left and did not come back to the house throughout the night.

He was critically gazing in the direction of the door so that he would not miss direction when the bulb tripped off again. Within a few minutes, the bulb trips off, but this time, Ademola was so bold to erase his fears as no one would even hear him shout. He stood up and went straight to the direction of the door. Immediately, his body touched someone, and he grabbed the person without releasing his hands. They were struggling with each other, but without throwing punches. He just wanted to know who would be that person trying to scare him. After three minutes, the bulb trips on again, and he targets the mask. Being an elder, he managed to remove the mask, and behold, it was his nephew, Nat.

“So, you have been the one all this while?” Ademola asked.
“Happy Halloween, and welcome to the US, Uncle,” Nat said.
“Don't do that again”, Ademola said.
“It's the Halloween period, and we have to do this just to celebrate it. I'm sorry, Uncle”, Nat apologized.
“Is your mum aware of this?” Ademola asked.
“No, Uncle”, Nat replied.

They hugged each other and chatted for some time before going back to sleep.

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