My retirement plans

in Hive Naijalast year

I'm not yet working, but I know sooner or later, I'll be gainfully employed in an organization. I've visualized how I'd make good use of the opportunity to ensure I still have a well-to-do family and sources of income when I've retired or are too frail to do any work. Most often we learn to make certain decisions from what we see around us and among people who had once worked and are retired now. Some of them made good decisions and some didn't plan their retirement days perfectly, and they end up living with nothing and struggling to survive in their old age.

I understand it's difficult to make proper savings and investment in this economy, but it's still possible if one can cut down some expenses and invest them into something tangible with the prospect of yielding good profit in the future. My step dad, who is retired now , retired with no single savings, no investment, no money to boast about and instead of resting, he still farms to feed. I may not have known why he never planned for retirement, but his indecision to plan for retirement only brought him more trouble and misery and this is why it's important to have a retirement plan.

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I've not started working, but monthly I put a certain amount of money into a long term and reliable investment with a bank, and this is from the little I make on hive. I hope to do more of this investment in both crypto and fiat investment, no one knows what the future holds but casting many breads in water may give one a good chance to benefit from both or either of the two. There are certain assets I desire to possess before retirement, these are; A house, land, family, business I own, and a share in some big companies. These aside the crypto investment and fiat investment.

Mentioning family among the list of assets may seem funny but it's also one important aspect that determines how well one would live after retirement. I met a male nurse in a hospital I once worked at. I had gone to the ward alone that day to collect statistics of patients admitted and discharged when we got talking. He told me one thing he regrets in his decisions was that he married late. He was old and it was just a few years to his retirement. He told me his first child is still in primary school , which means he would retire while his son is still in secondary school when he should have been a graduate and probably working. He knew training his child through school after retirement would be difficult for him even if he had investment. Before I left, he advised me to marry early and not suffer the same regret.

So my plans for retirement still include marriage among other things. The earlier you train your children, the earlier they graduate and save one extra cost and probably grow to become independent than still retire on the individual. All these would be duly considered.

This is in response to the Contest by @hive-naija community. The contest is still valid for participation

 last year  

What really matters is a good plan, that's the only thing that ensures s comfortable life after retirement.

 last year  

Marriage is also a very important aspect of planning towards a good retirement age,so you can have rest of training your children in school.
Nice plans


I couldn't agree more with your thoughtful insights on planning for retirement. It's commendable that you're already thinking ahead, even before starting your career. The experiences you've shared, particularly those of your stepdad and the nurse you met, serve as valuable reminders of the importance of being prepared for life after work.

#dreemerforlife #dreemport

You are right. We should learn from what we see around us. Sometimes when I see old people still running errands for people to survive. I always feel bad. I don't know their story but I know I want to relax during my old age not still running around.

This is where a good retirement plan comes into play. I love all the things you listed and I pray everything you wish for works out for you.
Thanks for sharing.


Indeed struggling in old age isn't a pleasant experience

I have seen many who after retirement find themselves in a worrying life after work. The solution is proper planning for retirement

Yeah, proper planning solves future regrets