It's never a Happy Switch

in Hive Naijalast month


The holiday is completely over now, and we would like to know how it felt to switch from the holiday mood back to our usual life routine. It could be resumption to work or school; tell us about it.

As the holiday drew closer, I was dancing a happy dance that I got to stay home and sleep whichever time and how I wished, not just me, you could see the happiness of going on break on all the faces of the students, especially the 300/400 level student, the stress of schooling is becoming a reality to us, it is beginning to tell on many and I can say this categorically that it is at this level student drops out if time is not taken because this level is a trial period and we all get to know and understand the true meaning of attending a public university.

You know that happiness that comes with knowing that you don't get to attend a seven am class, that happiness that comes with knowing that you don't get to see the face of some lecturers who make school a living hell for us, and most especially you don't get to attend so many course class you dislike and find it difficult to understand due to the kind of lecturer given. If someone had told me going to a public university was this stressful, I would have continued working and saved up my money to attend a private University.

The funny thing even before we started the break officially is that many of my course mate traveled, while some stopped attending class a week before the official beginning of the holiday, which annoyed most of the lectures because they came to the class only to find a quarter of the total number of student in my level and so they had to give an impromptu test because of that.

While I was opportune to take most of the tests, others, I wasn't lucky because I was already tired and couldn't wait for the break as well when the break came, I was so happy, but my happiness was short-lived when a new official opening date came from the university, found out the holiday was just a week. I was sad and almost fell into depression because I just couldn't understand why they gave me just a week's break, I mean what am I supposed to use one week's holiday break for?


It was disheartening when I found out about the new official resumption date and the worst of it all was that my subconscious already knew that we would be resuming with back-to-back tests and a week later commencement of the examination, anyway, right now, we have started our examination and I am freaking out, but can not wait for us to finish writing the examination so I can start my break and the sweet of them all is that I won't be writing any GST course (happy dance) this particular course is a dreading course for every student because of the hassle and the stress that comes with registering it, signing the form and writing the examination.

It wasn't an easy task switching, truth of the matter is, holiday mood has never been an easy task switching for students, I don't know about students who attend private universities but for me and the rest of the student who attends public Universities especially (the University of Uyo), I can say boldly that switching from the holiday mood to the school mood has never been something we are happy to do. Students are always happy to take a break from school work, regardless of how good, adventurous, fun, and free the schooling environment can be, the ending lectures, the tiredness that comes with having to wait for some lectures for hours before they come, the scorching sun, the early morning running to meet up with class and the stress that comes with reading for test and exams.

It has always been a heart-wrenching period for us because the bustle and hassle are real and get worse, I won't and can not forget that running around the school, attending lectures, and doing one or two needs finances, and a lot of it, so not only his the resumption emotional physically and psychologically draining, it is financially draining and hectic, I can not wait to wake up one morning and realize that I am done with schooling, the thought of the fact that I am supposed to be doing my signing off now if not due to the covid and the strike that held us, is annoying and irritating me right now because those I began with who went to other universities did their sign off this month, I mean, I am supposed to be saying goodbye to this goddam school and turning my back on them like a prodigal daughter that I am, but here I am still in level 300 because of bad governance and the other factors.

Phew!! I can not wait for another break and I just hope it is going to be the longest break for me because I need to, I have a lot of things to sort out for myself, and I need to be stable psychologically to be able to do that. I pray to the heavens that it is going to be a long break.

This is my entry to Hive Naija Weekly Prompt | Edition 81

Thank you for reading!!!

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Just five days for the holiday? That's really bad and it must have affected those who travelled since they would spend their rest time on the road.

I wish you success in your examination and a good rest once the semester is over...

 last month  

Yeah, I had a colleague who traveled to Lagos by bus, so you can imagine.

Thank you, I appreciate it. 😊