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RE: My Introductory Post

in Hive Naijalast year

Hello @wummy2008 you're very much welcome on board, you will definitely love it here, hive is simple, just you playing with your keyboard, using everyday simple English to Express your creativity here, .. please don't be motivated or demotivated by the rewards you earn, rather Your inspiration should come from things around you and from within, let the world know it, throught you, the rewards are just arou.d the corner, the more you stick around the more you would be able to grow your account and reputation on the platform...

I am @eminentsam48 and I'll tell you this, consistency is the drive here, through daily engagement, posting, making good comments and replies on OTHERS post and on yours really boost your visibility here...

Lastly READ!!! READ!! READ!!!...
The easiest way to boost your interest here on hive is to learn from others study things and adapt follow others, engage on community weekly contest and do wwell to follow the rules and regulations

Source text amd images that are not yours

Hope to see you around more often


Ohhh thank you so much for the motivation and I am highly grateful for the word of advice and I promise to follow your great word of advice @eminentsam048@eminent04