Lion vs Man!

in Hive Naijalast year


This past week has to be one hell of a week!

Sad event here and there, very sad ones.

From my friend losing his mum and my roommate losing someone really close to her also and my roommate seeing a snake in our house!

Like, I'm over the roof already 😩!

But, I will just as well pick an incident that happened today in my school. Oh, what a sad day it turned out to be.

So, my school has a zoo, and it has different animals that a zoo should have.

And for the longest time, student have been talking about the school lion and how that it has grown really lean from lack of been fed well.

Student and cruise!

Loads of memes just to spite the school in order for them to make the animals feed well, and look more nourishing. But it obviously fell on the school left ears, because nothing was done. And with the current economy "gbas gbos", the situation had worsen, because the animals are dying and the ones that have refused to die, are getting leaner by the day.

So earlier today, the man who oversees the feeding of the animals, went to feed the lions. They are two lions there, by the way.

And according to the student who have been to the zoo before, there are two entrance that leads to the lions side.

The first entrance which leads to an open space where the lion can feed, and the main entrance where they are kept pending when their foods are ready.

Unfortunately, the man didn't realize that, the door that leads to the lions den wasn't locked, it was just closed but not shut.

Immediately he went into the first premises, the lion walked out of the main entrance and pounced on the man

Oh, what a gory sight it was!

Before help could reach the man, the man was already dead.

I was in my room when I started reading all of this, and trust me, I actually thought it was a joke at first, but after checking out one or two information, I realise that, it actually happened and the man really died.

So, my question is, who would have left the lions entrance open in the first place, knowing the kind of animals that they are and the kind of havoc they are capable of causing?

Two, why would the school keep such a wide animal in a zoo without a proper safety measure, and now a man lost his life, all because of negligence? Obviously, this type of things can't be avoided in the long run, but what plan did they have if this kind of thing happened and now, it happened already. Should the school be faulted?

Thirdly, can we really fault the man for stepping into their space, without checking if everything that is meant to be in place was in place?

Anyways, after the man was finally dragged out dead, it was said that the lion was shot dead. Lol 😅

What a world, after the deed had been done?

*Shakes my head in fury.

I honestly need your opinion.
Thank you.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


There’s a zoo close to a school?😦
I’m actually shocked in the first place.
I really don’t know what to say I just hope this is fictional o

Not close to a school, it is actually in the school premises!

It isn't fictional, it actually happened. It was a sad day yesterday 🥺.

I can only imagine how his family will respond to such sad news

School premises?


I Kno right.

We will be fine 🤗

Did I just read a real life story or I’m still sleeping? Ha!

Why would a whole school have a zoo? Eih. I believe the school should be blamed because having a zoo poses a threat to the students as well as teachers and any other person in that environment.

Well, i don't know the reason why there is a zoo, but it was all good, until this unfortunate incident happened.

Maybe the school should really be blamed, but then, I felt the man should have acertain that the place is safe enough for him to go into, before he went there.

Maybe it was familiarity from his end, who knows?

Thank you for engaging.

It’s really unfortunate. I just hope the school puts measures in place to solve this issue.

I hope so too.

Thank you 🤗

A zoo in the school? Which school is that? A lot of things are playing in my head right now while imagining having a zoo a school premises.

It's dangerous because the unexpected can happen just like it happened today. I felt really bad for the man because he was just going about doing his job.

The presence of a zoo in the school premises needs to be rechecked for the safety of the students. A day will come when it won't be the zookeeper, imagine lions chasing students.

It would be a gory view.

I don't want to imagine it!

Well, one lion down, one to go.

I intentionally didn't mention the school name for security measure.

I feel like, more safety measure should be put in place and things like this will readily be avoided.

And we really can't say the zoo should be closed down, because my school isn't the only school that has such.

Like I said, it all boils down to putting more safety measure in place.

Thank you for engaging. You

 last year  

Wow. Just wow. A family man doing his work lost his life trying to do his job. That's just too sad.

This week was eventful in an undesired way for you. I hope the next brings good tidings, AJ.

I hope so too.

Thank you, Olujay.

 last year  


I'm bewildered

Why will they have animals in the first place if they know they can't feed them properly

Omo in my opinion the zoo should be closed down


I agree with this.

Since no feeding measure are in place to feed them well, then should close down the zoo.

I have heard different stories of lion feeding on their keepers here in Nigeria. It's just a pity that we fail to take proper measures in this country, God help us😔


Hopefully, with this incidence, more precaution will be taken.

I hope so, but I doubt. Nigerians are not good at taking precautions

Y’all attended good schools😂.
Zoo in school? Oh great


Why does this sounds funny to me?😅