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RE: The Dentistry: Nothing But Fun

in Hive Naija11 months ago

Wow. This is quite a lot, and I'm really sorry you had to go through all of this.

I had a similar experience two years back, it was a first too. After being given the anesthesia, I still felt pain. It could best be described as shock waves 😂.

Me I didn't allow them continue o, I'd rather be on drugs than feel shock waves that doesn't only affects your teeth, but even the brain.

I'm glad you feel much better.
Success in your forthcoming test also ✌🏿.


Lol. I like that you stood up o. The pain was usually so much so I just said that they should continue with the filling. Thank you for the wishes and I will do my best in my test.

PS: I'm so sorry for the late reply and I hope you're doing well.🌺