Healthy Living is Possible.

in Hive Naija2 days ago



Hello guys, hope you all had a splendid day void of anxieties and worries.

Growing up, whenever my mum would return from work, a trip to the market, or just go to buy stuff within the neighborhood, she would always make sure she washed her hands. This particular trait she made sure we imbibed, as soon as we came back from school or church or wherever we went, she would lead us to the kitchen to wash our hands.

While we washed our hands she would begin to explain to us that there are germs all over, especially on surfaces that are left open outside, or that have been touched by people, like the rails of staircases, and it is necessary for us to wash off those germ from our hands so we don't put those hands in our mouths or other sensitive parts of our bodies and then fall sick. So ever since then that little habit has stuck, I don't joke with washing my hands.

To stay healthy, physically and mentally, what daily routine do you do intentionally? Aside hitting the gym, what other ways do you lead a healthy life, personally?

Staying healthy is something that requires conscious and consistent efforts, and most of us are not willing to put in this effort. The little things are usually what matters most times, but we don't even pay attention to these things we feel they are inconsequential and do them when we feel like, not knowing they are like that little needle that without it, no matter how gigantic your fabric is you can't sew it.

Here are some habits I have developed over time that has helped me to stay healthy:

Staying hydrated is essential for our body to function properly, as the body needs as much liquid (especially water) to carry out its functions. As such I make sure to drink at least a glass of water whenever I wake up. I still get to drink water within the day at intervals, but I ensure that I always take that early morning water.



Drinking water at this time helps keep your body hydrated and also helps to flush out some toxins that might have found their way into the body (this is a process we most times refer to as detoxification).

As I stated at the beginning of this post, I always make sure I wash my hands after making a trip outside the house or even after using the restroom as this is very essential to keep dangerous microorganisms at bay.

Whenever I get to commute in a bus or other means of transportation that I am not the one driving, I take the time to try to observe my surroundings, watch people on the road, read a book, or just watch the road. I try as much as possible to limit the time I spend on my phone to the barest minimum.

Today while returning from work, I noticed that almost everyone on the bus was immersed in their phones, communication was minimal, everyone had their heads and necks hunched to their phones, and I just shook my head and smiled within myself that technology has really eaten deep into our everyday life.



I try as much as possible to cook my meals most days, this helps me save funds and also helps me sensor what I eat, because most times when we get food outside we don't know exactly what goes in, but with cooking my meals I can opt for healthier options.

These are some of the things I do to ensure that at least I lead a healthy life. What are some of the things you do to ensure that you lead a healthy lifestyle

Thanks for stopping by❤