Being Intentional About My Health.

in Hive Naija2 days ago

As humans we don't have complete control over our health. But we can take some reasonable measures to reduce the risk of ill health.


Aside the normal health challenges, the whole world is in turmoil. Being a Nigerian can mess up your mental health if not careful ( You fit crazy 🤣). So here are some vital things I do intentionally to stay physically, emotionally and mentally healthy.

1: water & food
since I started my water therapy it's being amazing, I feel refreshed, my skin is smiling at me and I am hydrated. I should also say it has help me control my stomach fat( I don't know if it medically proven)Water is the first thing I take every morning before eating, sometimes when I have slight headache I take enough water and in no time I am feeling better.
I also try to eat balanced diet and stay away from junks.


2: herbal tea: some of our leaves and spices aren't just for food alone, they are ment to cure us. I do blend tumeric,glove, and ginger and take them once in a while to detoxify my system.
Sometimes I boil lemon grass and some other spices together and drink them. This has helped me stay physically healthy, I hardly fall sick( all thanks to God).

3: *I avoid toxic people/ environment": you can never find me around people who are toxic, if you are my friend and I noticed some toxic traits in you (gossip, hateful speech, negative mindset, sadist) I will cut you off. That's how intentional I am about my mental health.
4 : I control negative Emotions and stay positive : because my mind and body are closely linked, I try to avoid undue anxiety, unbridled anger, envy, and other harmful emotions.

5: Adequate sleep: I don't joke with my sleep time, no matter how interesting that movie is or how busy I am I stop to rest. When I have enough sleep I feel better.

6: mindfulness and connection: reading ( especially my bible) and having deep conversations nourish my mind.

After a very hectic day nothing beats having a cold/hot bath depending on the weather, wearing a very comfy cloth, sorting the internet and watching my favourite channel zee world does the trick.
We all know that money can't buy happiness, but we can invest in our well-being.

All pictures are mine