in Hive Naija5 months ago

I saw a massage in a server and rhe person was complaining about account duplicates well i just have this to say about it.

There are good reasons and bad reasons to duplicate accounts I'll start with the bad reasons cause i want you all to understand something.

On hive the only bad intentions for dual account management is farming, yes. Farming is the only reason someone will create multiple accounts and post daily.

That's the only bad reason for multiple accout.

The good reason is that maybe the person is a developer that has a brand like the owners and managers of the ecency platform. They have account of their own and that of the company or brand.

As a brand or community leader you can have two brands with good identity.

Last reason is that on hive you cannot recover lost accounts therefore leading someone to create another account, the inability to recover lost or hacked accounts can lead one to having a second account.

Personally i lost my account for a very long time cause someone i know actually changed my password and no way to get it back so i created a new account to be active here and post whenever am available.

Owning multiple accounts for farming purpose is really bad and might give you a bad name, hive is a place where to me elevates my crypto knowledge.