in Hive Naijalast year


As we are all sharing a hotel room, what better opportunity to continue attempting to meet one of my resolutions of reducing night snacking by going to bed earlier more often. I don't do this normally because I wake up a few hours later and can't get back to sleep.

I went to bed at 2330


I woke up at 215

It is now 430. Brilliant. It seems my body believes going to bed early is a nap, not a night sleep. I will likely fall asleep at 600 and have to get up at 800 anyway.

This hasn't been the greatest week ever.

And on top of all of the work we are falling rapidly behind in, it looks like the one coming is going to include a lot of fighting with the heating company and the insurance company. None of this has been out fault, yet par for the course is, we will pay the price.


Well, that is how I feel at 430 in the morning at least, and will likely feel for a while. But, feelings don't really help deal with the situation, so I just have to suck them up and get on with what needs to be done. I feel more sorry for my wife, as she will be the one to have a lot of the conversations with the various groups, as it will be done in Finnish.

In a hotel, but no holiday.

It is kind of strange to be in a hotel in our home city, which is a first for any of us. It is almost surreal, as the unfamiliar hotel gives the feeling of being away, but everything else is familiar. For instance today, we drove home to check on the house, picked up laundry to wash at in-laws and went to out local supermarket to pick up some foods for Smallsteps to have for evening meal before bed. Tomorrow we will visit my wife's sister.

It is bizarre, as it is so normal, but also feels different.

I also had an eye test to order new glasses, which will be my first new pair in 7 years. My current glasses are older than Smallsteps, and it wasn't until the optician did the fitting that I realized how much my vision has changed. When he handed me a piece of paper while I was wearing the new prescription setting, I missed grabbing it by about half a foot.

I will get the new glasses in about 3 weeks.

Because they had a deal on, I also ordered prescription sunglasses, my first pair ever. Up until now, it is either have a headache from the sun, or a headache from not being able to see well enough. The third option is to wear a very, very ugly clip on sunglasses thing, that I can only wear while driving, as they look so incredibly bad.

Free testing. 50% off the prescription lenses. 50% off everything for the sunglasses. €900 all up.


There were quite a few measurements taken to ensure the lenses will be cut correctly with the focus points in the right spots, so I am unsure how that would work buying them from an online provider. Next time I might try though.

I wish I could get laser surgery and be done with it, but as one of the "lucky" few with keratoconus,that is not an option. It has hopefully stopped progressing, but if it does continue, I will have to have some surgery where they harden the cells in the cornea, or have a cornea transplant.

Double great.

However, I am looking forward to crisper vision. When adjusted, it felt like I was looking at things in high-definition again. Also, I changed the style of the frames quite a lot, opting for a half rim, which feels lighter on my face. I have been wearing thick, black frames since my first pair in 2015.

A change is as good as a holiday.

Well, we have changed to a hotel, when does the holiday feeling begin? Fair play though, it has been a nice change of scenery and I think it has been good for the family to get a little distance away from the house complications for some time.

Come Monday, we are going to have to dive back in, but handle it from other strange places. My wife will work from her parent's place, me from the local library, and Smallsteps will start back at school for the first time in 2024, as well as have her first dance practice for the year, and on Tuesday, her first ever piano lesson.

It would be easier with a home base.

However, we are only in the hotel until Monday, after which, we don't know where we will be living.

Makes it easy to sleep.

But with that, I think I will close my eyes for a few minutes and see if I will get an early morning nap going, before having to wake up again.

At least, there is a hotel breakfast waiting.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

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