Growing up, my mum had a deep belief in the significance of dreams. To her, dreams were more unless like potential messages from God. If you ever told her about a bad dream, she would immediately get into action—either by praying fervently over it herself or visiting our pastor to seek guidance and interpretation. She strongly believed that God sometimes uses dreams to reveal what might happen in the future, and over time, I started to see things from her perspective. I don’t think dreams are foolish or meaningless. In fact, I believe they sometimes hold some truth and are often worth paying attention to.
Now, to answer the question: Do I remember my dreams when I wake up? The answer is yes—but with a bit of a twist.
I’ve had plenty of dreams, both good and bad, and there are moments when the dreams feel so vivid and real that I wish I could stay asleep forever. For example, recently i had a dream where I was in love with my crush at school. Although, i would say this was as a result of my thinking about her before sleeping but then It felt so real, that when I woke up, I couldn’t help but wish it had actually happened. Of course, reality had to remind me it was just a dream, but hey, who knows? Maybe one day, that dream could become reality. Atleast person can dream, right? Haha.
However, I wouldn’t say I remember every single detail from my dreams when I wake up. Some dreams are clear as day, while others fade into a blurry haze. And then, there are times when I forget my dreams entirely, as if they never happened in the first place. But occasionally, a dream leaves such a deep impression on me that I carry it with me even after waking up.
I’ll never forget one particular dream I had as a child. In the dream, my mum was stopped on the road while driving, and she was with someone—though I couldn’t quite remember who. The details of the dream were not clear to me, and I didn’t think much of it at the time. Fast forward to reality: I was in secondary school, and as usual, my mum was driving me back to the hostel in order for to resume back to school. At one point, we reached a roundabout, and she accidentally drove into the wrong lane. Out of nowhere, a Federal Road Safety Corps officer appeared, flagged us down, and entered our car. He asked my mum to pull over under a tree nearby.
I was young then, and the entire situation left me shaken. I remember crying in the car while my mum tried pleading with the officers to let us go. They were adamant at first, saying she had broken road rules and deserved to be fined. In the middle of all this, i remembered —I had dreamed about this exact scenario. The memory of the dream came rushing back, and I had this feeling of guilt in me. If only I had told my mum about the dream earlier, she could have prayed over it, and maybe we could have avoided the entire situation. Luckily, after much pleading, the officers let us go without a fine, but it could have easily turned out much worse.
That experience taught me two things: First, dreams can sometimes serve as warnings or signs of what’s to come. And second, it’s always a good idea to share them, especially if they seem significant.
So yes, I do remember my dreams—at least some of them. Even though i don't always understand what they mean, i still try to not always dismiss them. Whether it’s a sweet dream of kissing my crush or a troubling dream like the one about my mum, I believe dreams have the power to shape our actions, guide our decisions, or even prepare us for what lies ahead.
Image is gotten from meta ai.
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No lies, some dreams come to pass while some are just mere play of imaginations.
I have a bad habit when it comes to dream, it's only the bad ones that my mind to take serious while the fun ones, I just casually let them go