Ostrich meat and rice? Are you normally located in south africa? (just a random guess???)
Well...I can tell you about amsterdam now since I live here. It is fog fog and more fog and you don't see crap outside. I get the colder country idea, but amsterdam totally needs sun to be nice!
Let me know when you get a chance to visit (after the bullrun maybe?) and we will have !BEER somewhere there!
Ahahah, i am not from South Africa, i am a Nigerian and moreover i will never eat an Ostrich meat lol 😂, just kidding in my post lol…
Wow, so you stay in Amsterdam too, wow, well i think that fog aspect is just for this month right?, by January everything should fall back in place. Leave the fog alone, I would stills want to spend my holiday over there ahahah…
Nice meeting you though and thanks for gracing my post…
hahaha Oopsie!! My bad on the assumption on where you are located :D
Yeah I am located more south on the country side, but Netherlands is small so Amsterdam is always close by!
Nice to meet you as well!