Staying healthy

in Hive Naija3 days ago

I'm not shy to admit that I'm not among those who heed medical checkups as they are being preached everywhere with endless admonitions for one to go so that they'll know the status of their physical body. Even though I'm not into these regular checkups, I don't joke with my health—both physical and mental.

For my physical health:

I don't fall sick often. In fact, the only slight sickness that hits me on a regular basis, which I don't consider a big deal because I know my way around it, is a runny nose and catarrh. Apart from this, I can go from year to year without running helter-skelter except for those slight headaches that come after tough physical stress. With this catarrh, I tread with caution in order not to invite it, and the major precautions I take include staying off dust or sharp smells and scents that I know will choke me. This is why I don't joke about covering my nose with a handkerchief whenever I'm sweeping a dusty place or passing through dust. Also, there's a lady that cooks meals in my compound, and the scents from her kitchen are always choking, so I always cover my nose whenever she starts cooking.
With this simple approach, I can go for months without experiencing a runny nose—except on days when an 'evil' one decides to show up.

Still on my physical health, one thing I always look forward to at the end of the day is relaxing in my soft bed after the day's work which helps my body to relax and regain strength for the next day's work. I don't miss this at all; it's the best part of the 24 hours for me. My little home is arranged in such a way that I feel like I'm in heaven whenever it's nighttime. I sleep well, usually from 9:30 pm to 4 am or 5 am. I prioritize my sleep. Gone are the days I used to stay awake competitively to meet up with tasks or to be seen as an active guy—no, my health comes first.

This is why I have vegetables in my garden, and I hardly cook any meal without slicing in vegetables. The good thing is that I don't usually have visitors, so I cook to my taste.....imagine adding bitterleaf to rice 😎I try as much as possible to take in enough vitamins from fruits and vegetables. Although I don't buy fruits on a regular basis, I make sure I eat enough vegetables always.

For my mental health:

I'm a big lover of things that make me laugh and relax my mind while forgetting the troubles of this world. There's no day that passes without me looking for things that will make me laugh and relax my mind. One of those things is reading comic content and watching comic skits. I chat with people who talk about 'unserious' things, and we laugh out loud, forgetting the troubles of the world.

Even while engaging in social media activities, I'm mindful of the kind of things I read. I swiftly skip unwanted content and move on to the kind of things I'm looking for. The Bible says that a merry heart works like medicine. I keep my heart merry always, and it has been helpful.

Thanks for reading.

This is my entry to Hivenaija prompt of the week

Photos used are mine

Posted Using INLEO


Wow! You already have your health in check already. rest is so essential. Most especially if you embark on stressful activities during the day. I enjoyed reading your habits. They're really nice

I don't joke with that rest. I have come to understand that there's always a tomorrow, tomorrow to do pending tasks😅

Thanks for stopping by

Wow, best way to go. Staying healthy with Natural things

Yeah. I go with the "prevention is better than cure" slogan.
This is working for me.

Thanks for stopping by

I love your approach to managing your health boss

@Kingsleyy, I love your approach to health! It's great to see you prioritizing rest, nutrition, and mental well-being. Your commitment to staying healthy without relying on medical checkups is inspiring. Keep doing what works for you.