in Hive Naija5 months ago

  1. Love does not care about your Background.
    Often times, I see people suffer and wail to get materials things just to impress their so called Lover, the one who loves you genuinely wont put you under pressure to satisfy her demands. He or she will accept you the way you are.

  1. Love does not care about your imperfections
    When someone loves you, its whole; Your flaws, imperfections, your lack, your abundance. You dont have to be perfect just be genuine.

  1. Love is full of sacrifices.
    Remember the best of humans is still a human, with imperfections and flaws, sacrifices have to be made to keep the candle of love burning.

  1. Love is a more of willing than feeling

Love is a decision, feelings will go and in some case scenario Fade away, it is the will to keep making the decision to love your partner that keep on .

Make we find our perfect love meant for us, and when we do may we not sabotage it !