A Tale of Hope (Part 2)

in Hive Naija4 months ago

I made a promise and I must fulfill it.
This is one of my life mantra, that as long as it lies within my power, I keep to my words.

Here is the second part to the "awe-mazing" Tale of Hope I started in one of my previous posts.
If you didn't read that, I think you would need to go back to it so that we can be on the same page and you'll enjoy the juicy gist I've got today.
Here you go!
A Tale of Hope (Part 1)

If you already read it before now, let's proceed to Part 2.

I know someone may not have the luxury of time to go back to part 1 so I have decided to do this to help.

Just as a brief recap, I talked about how I almost gave up on my dreams because of little hitches on my path and how I decided to give hope and courage a chance and at the end, it probably paid off.
If it didn't pay off, I won't be here writing about it today.
If you don't still get the gist, then you surely need to check part 1 here.
A Tale of Hope (Part 1)

Welcome back!!!😄
So, lets get right into it!

I was privileged to have a post utme score of 86%.
Remember I told you how scared I was before checking the result.
When I saw 86 on the screen, I started grinning.
Right there and then I had this sort of peace within me that I had passed the last hurdle to getting into the University.
I was so excited.

When I got home, I didn't even calculate my aggregate score because I didn't want anything to douse my excitement because I remembered my Jamb score was low.
I checked for the previous year's aggregate cut off mark for Medicine and it was 70%.

Fast forward to when the cut off marks were out, I found out that the cut off mark for medicine was 80.
And not just that, they did not use the aggregate scoring system for that year. They only used the post utme scores as the prerequisite.

I was literally in awe of how God can change things and systems to work in your favour.
I do not believe it was a coincidence that they decided to use only the post utme that year.
I say this because by the next year, they reverted to their old aggregate scoring system.

I'm glad I had hope and also backed it up with action by studying and it paid off in the end.

Let me shock you, there were only 6 students that scored above 86% in the whole thousands of aspirants for that year.
5 scored 88 and 1 scored 90.
I know this much details because it was released and they were all my coursemates.
These 6 students got scholarships from the university to cover their tuition because of their outstanding performance.

I remember feeling a bit bad because I wasn't among the 6 students.
But hey, I guess God compensated me too.
Let me tell you how He did that.

I was granted a scholarship from the microfinance company which my mum was a part of (LAPO Microfinance)
This scholarship was a sum of 100k from 100 level to 600 level.
So yeah, He did compensate me too.

I'm a product of God's love, goodness and mercy. And I hope my story has brought to your remembrance that you should never lose hope.

Once again, thank you for reading my post.

We can now draw the curtain on this piece.

If you haven't read Part 1 of A Tale of Hope, you can do so here👇
A Tale of Hope (Part 1)

 4 months ago  

How inspiring! I don’t believe in coincidences either, things always happen for a reason

Thank you so much for reading through.
Inspiring indeed!

Yes. There are no coincidences.

Thank You very much for reading 🙏