A taste 😋 of true happiness 🥰

in Hive Naijayesterday

IMG_20241225_163013.jpg pov; na my uncle car be this o 😂

They say money can't buy happiness, and yes there's no lie in it if we understand the quote properly. For me it means that we should trade our happiness or that of others to earn all the money in the world because in the end we may not also be truly happy.
But I sincerely think that anyone should do what truly makes them happy and we all know that having enough for ourselves and for the family makes us truly fulfilled and happy.

So back to the main deal of the day, thats the Hive naija prompt for the week; We’ve all got that one thing we can’t resist spending on, something we keep justifying even when our wallets protest, or maybe not all of us, but most of us.

For me yes there is. I love delicious meals. It's like a therapy for me when I'm sad or angry. So yes, most times street food is irresistible for me. I remember spending my last money I had on street food, it was crazy, it wasn't much though but that was all I had at that moment but the satisfaction the food gave me was amazing and I wasn't even regretting the money I spent on it lol.

Most times the impulsive thing I spend money on is food or snacks and I'm really guilty of that. I remember when I used to spend the last few change I had on this snacks called Munch it, god I loved it so much!


I love it when I can eat what I crave for ams have it in full to myself, and having some money does the magic. Like I mentioned before, I tend to eat a lot when I'm sad or angry or just having those mood swings, it's like a therapy for me sha.


Yes I'm not ashamed to admit my love for food. I also love it when the people around me are eating, it's a joyful thing, so when I can I also buy for them or just share what I for myself. There is real happiness in giving even the simplest things


There is real wealth in sharing, having all the money that you cannot control or that you have to risk the most important things that matters doesn't give true happiness.

For me, I just want to have what I really need, and to have enough to buy me good food, enough to share with friends, enough to spread a little happiness. Not the type that deprives me of my friends, or my spending quality time with my family. I want that true happiness that comes with having enough!


So yes, I don't want all the money in the world, I just want a fare share, enough for the things I really need.

This was an interesting prompt
See you all next time 🤗 to write, and I'm happy I shared my view. Thank you so much everyone for reading and thank you @hivenaija for the nice prompt.

Images belong to me.


Lol is the first line about the car for me 😂 I was going to say "Big woman!" before 😁

Spending on food is a wise one, you need to eat to keep making money after all. But then, we need to cut down on the junks hehe.