HN-WK38: Fond Memories

in Hive Naijalast year

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In the tender folds of memory, there is this cherished moment from my childhood that never ever fails to illuminate in the corners of my mind with warmth whenever I remember it.

It's a fond little memory like every other memory but it gets to me every time i think about it.

One quaint morning in primary school, a time when my innocence still danced freely in the air, a time when life's complexities and problems were yet to choke hard on the tiny simplicity of my existence. It was a regular school morning like any other, or so I thought, untill I had this first feeling of fulfilment within me because of a simple gesture I exhibited.

In my small little home, amidst the early morning hustle and bustle of our daily routines of getting ready for school. I overheard my father's voice in whispers, tinged with concern, emanating from his room, speaking to his sister, who had for years been our steadfast guardian. As inquisitive and pick nosing as I was even with their hushed tones I could feel the weight of a worry in their voice. Scarcity of funds at that point, formed a barrier between my dad and fulfilling family obligations.

Being that curious kid I was, I wanted to know what was happening. They're worried because there's not much money left, and they need to send foodstuff to my sister at university. But dad didn't have enough cash at hand. I didn't get it at first, but I kept asking questions until my aunt told me exactly what's up. After I had been so persistent

Even though I was just a kid, I felt this strong urge to help. So, I offer my little bit of my daily school pocket money, just fifty naira, to add to what they had. It wasn't much, but I hoped it would make a difference.

At that moment, it just felt like a light bulb went off in my head. Like I fulfilled within me for doing something good. I realised how good it feels to help others, even in small ways. And you know what? It made me feel really good inside, like I'd done something important.

That kicked off something within me because, as time went on, I began to see how a little kindness can come back to you in unexpected ways. Because of my little kindness of fifty naira, a few months later, on my birthday, my sister surprised me with a gift – it was a trending sneakers as at that time I'd been dreaming of for ages. It wasn't about the sneakers, though. It was about the love behind the gift. She made it known that even though the gift was small she appreciated it because it came from a place of love and concern for her wellness and how good it felt to know I'd made a difference.

Looking back on it now, I realize that even the little things we do can make a big impact. It's like throwing a pebble into a pond – the ripples keep spreading, touching lives in ways we might never know.

So, whenever I think about that day, I can't help but smile. It's a fond reminder that even in a world that can sometimes seem tough, there's always room for kindness and compassion. And who knows? Maybe one small act of kindness can start a chain reaction that changes the world.


This is amazing @marriot5464. The last time I had this feeling was when I once help an old man who was struggling with a bag of pure water on his head to take it home. I can't explain the feeling, but it was amazing

A little help can go a long way to the ones we helped. Nice you helped that old man

I completely agree with you my friend

Very true @marriot5464 . Giving brings with it a sense of fulfilment. A simple act of kindness can make a great difference. I've been there before. The magnitude of a gift matters less, what matters is the heart on the giving end.

When it comes to gifts nothing is small. You have such a big heart. I know children to be stingy with money but you were a different one in your childhood days. I always tell people that kindness is a seed, you sow without expecting anything in return but it brought you a gift on your birthday. Though it's not about the returns. We all need to arise and start helping those in need with whatever we have, no matter how little it is.

 last year  


Every act of kindness is very great. It makes the world go round. The value is not all that matter but the mind of giving. Kindness is a proof that one loves himself and he is extending the love to someone else. It's gratifying.

I love how you explained kindness 'a proof that one loves himself and it's extending it to others'.

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