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RE: Reaching Compromise | Dairy of a Patriotic Corper

in Hive Naijalast year

Well, I am not really surprised.
Some Nigerians know nothing about diplomacy, and they'd rather flex their "powers" whenever necessary instead of sitting down to properly dialogue and figure out a viable situation.
Truly, the teachers aren't to blame for the unattractive bonuses, but at least they could've presented their case in a much better way.

At the end of the day, you people cannot kill yourselves, and they too will most likely not budge but keep complaining. The only sad part of the situation is just the students who might probably be affected in the long run.

It's been quite a while btw. How's Rivers treating you? Asides the nagging bosses of course.

 last year  

That's actually the saddest part of it all; the students that will feel the brunt of it all. Truth is, I personally do not enjoy teaching that much, as I recently discovered. And so there is no doing more than I can offer.

They can huff and puff all they want, as they always do, but I an not going to be fazed into stressing myself too much.

Rivers State is actually pretty cool. I mean, every hype that I may have heard about it aren't really true, but it's a chill place. I am not in Port Harcourt, so nothing really ever happens here.

I'm glad to you see you back on Hive, man. Been ages now. What's final year like?