Lol. I have been laughing with your series of Myth experiences.
Although, while I was young I also believe those stories but that makes us children and shows how tender, sincere we can be.
Thank you for sharing. It really made looked back and see how I once believed a myth that never existed.
Funny how, some people still believed this stories and still passed it down to there children.
Hahaha. We were vulnerable as children and that's what made us believe everything
The vulnerability of a child makes healthy because with the sincerity of a child, comes no worries and I wish we could go back to that time. The world will be more comfortable for everyone.
Indeed we long to have such good days
Those days did not come with responsibilities like that of adulthood.
Would you believe I once thought of no one growing old.
Hahaha,.until you grew and saw old people around you right?
Lol. Yes.