This is me saying...hold the's the meeting I want 😂😂🤣
The image is mine and exclusively mine.
A Million Naira is quite a huge sum of money to walk away with. I remembered the time when Who Wans To Be A Millionaire* was hot in Nigeria. A lot of people kept trying not because they wanted the grand prize but because winning 250,000 naira was enough for some people since it was just a game. I even fantasized about winning the grand prize with the paparazzi.
As huge as One Million Naira might look, the current Nigerian economy wouldn't make the money as valuable as it used to be in the past. By the time you pay school fees and house rent, the money must have lost the purchasing power not to talk of other costs like feeding, and paying utility bills. The money is as good as gone.
I know it's easy to say you can start a business with the One Million Naira but it depends on the kind of business. The kind of business that I want and that would give me the ROI - Return on Investment, One Million Naira cannot do it hahahaha.
I mentioned earlier that One Million is huge but if we think deeply, there are lots of benefits in meeting with some set of people in the world. Everyone needs money, we all have one or two things we are struggling with and the sum can easily handle it... At least, a million naira would solve some immediate needs. It would be unwise to think that one million can set a person up for life though because you need more than that to even start up a proper business as earlier mentioned. Let's start with the cost of getting a space, you need 250,000 naira upward depending on the environment you want, you need to give the place a good interior look and before you know it, the money is gone without doing much. In a nutshell, without having an already functioning business, a million naira might not set us up for life but for an existing business, it will bring a good upgrade... especially if you are into small scale and also buying and selling or to clear certain aspect of your business.
To meet with Dangote won't be a dream come true but it's an opportunity to shoot my shot for bigger opportunities in life. I have so much interest in agriculture and remembered applying for a grant many years ago but couldn't get it. I am talking about large-scale agriculture and that is one of the dreams I believe meeting him can bring to reality. He can even give me ideas, nudge me in the right direction, connect me with someone of worth...which would be more than the One Million Naira he might give me. The little things of life cannot be bought especially easy access to him.
Spending 24 hours with Dangote wouldn't be just about him, I will certainly chip in, talk about me so that he can realise my potential and as a businessman, he wouldn't look away from me. I will keep him glued in. I know he must have heard thousands of business ideas but I would show him my distinctive side. Before taking such an offer, I must have ironed out everything I will be presenting to him, the opportunities I am bringing to him must be catchy as well.
Many of these businessmen aren't good, it would interest you to know that they also seek business consultants to learn about things and I am not looking down on the ideas I have got.
If things go as planned, that will be a lifetime turnaround for me. In life, thinking beyond the present is one of the ways to make great achievements in life. The future is uncertain as many would say but that doesn't mean we shouldn't prepare ahead for it.
One Million Naira would finish but what about after? The connection, easy access, lessons and opportunities would last a lifetime. 24 hours with Dangote looks like some sort of gambling but it is a risk worth taking even though I am not sure of the outcome. It's worth the shot and at least I know I won't come back the same person after meeting him.
This will be my entry for the Hivenaija weekly prompt.
Thank you for your time.
My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.
Still me,
My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.
Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today; doctor's order.
I agree with you that one million is huge but when spent on many things that starting a business entails, it might not be enough. At the same time it depends on the business. Some businesses are not capital intensive, besides some manage money and business better than others. More so, It would be nice to meet Dangote. But do you know some might meet him and still not know what they want from him. Hahahaha. Someone I know met Dangote, all he asked for was a photograph. By the time I finished laying bare how much he had messed up, he couldn't post the picture on social media. 😃😃😃😃But I trust that if you meet him, he will not go unless he blesses you. Me too. Hahahaha. How are you doing, though?
😂😂🤣🤣😂🤣 that's a real bummer. You finished that person hahaha. Photograph hahaha. I like how you ripped into the person. A good reality check hahaha.
You are absolutely right and that's why I said it depends on what the person wants.
Some businesses absolutely require less capital and one million would be a massive one...I absolutely agree with that.
He must and can never go unless he bless me with the gift of meeting him hahaha. Who knows...I might get more than 1 million.
Whenever a person comes into business, he has to make his heart bigger. The way you are telling about your investment, there are some people who will never make such a big investment and those people are the world. can never be successful within because the successful person is the one who writes on top of the money and then when his work starts working, he gets all his money back very quickly and then peace for the rest of his life.
I have searched the price of daily-use items like sugar and rice, I don't think so, 1 million nairas is enough to start a rice or sugar business, here I'm talking about a large-scale business. yes on a smaller scale you can start your business with 1 million naira for sure.
Thank you so much.
Thinking long time is a necessary precursor for transformation. One million naira can look like alot at the moment but it's definitely not. Connecting with some people will definitely change your life, especially when you are smart enough to pitch your ideas to them. I am with you on this. I honestly think you made the right decision.
Thank you so much, brother. It's always important to think long term. Pitching the idea and also getting feedback might be all that is needed to open doors that is needed. Thank you so much, brother. Deeply appreciate this.
Yes, that's my point of view, the right person at the right time can change your life forever, there is a high possibility that you get the idea that could earn you many more million nairas. You must go for 24 hours meeting with Dangote Group owner :P
Indeed, it's a topic of open discourse with any of the answers as much correct as the other.
A visit to Dangote is no doubt a great one which will link you up to many more opportunities I must confess.
That's absolutely correct, most of them are always eager to employ someone to be doing the mental work for them.
It will really turn out well, honestly
Exactly, my brother. I believe it's a win win situation... Whether he accepts my proposal or not, I know I can't leave that meeting the same person.
Hehehe, that's true regardless
Who is MR Dangote? is it the one who owns the Dangote Group?
Thank you so much for your support.
Why adding "exclusively" again? 😅 at least I know it's my KP and seeing somewhere else
with another person without sourcing it must be a mistake 😕
Well, though a million naira is huge to settle some needs but it can't go a long way compared to the lifetime opportunity of meeting someone of such calibre, connecting you to more great people and learning huge ideas are worth more than the money. Money will finish, but those connections won't.
We all have our decisions on this and just like I said in my post, we make decisions based on what we need urgently. But, Kp you are too big for that money. So, go for the 24 hours visit 😅
Hahahaha let me state it's exclusively since I can't tag it any other way hahaha. Thanks boo.
Hahaha she said I am too big for the one million. You are just like acting as if you don't have money but I know you do hahaha.
Thanks a lot cutie. depends on the need of the hour so I absolutely understand if anyone makes a different decision. There is no right or depends on what's important for that time being.
This is really enlightening. I would not have seen it that way if not for reading this. Perhaps it may be a gamble but it is worth the risk! Thank you for sharing!
Absolutely, might be a gamble but life is about taking risks...I know for sure I won't be the same after leaving that matter whether he accepts my proposal or not. The gift of access is amazing. It's about leaving an impression on him to leave room for more access to come.
You should not be afraid of taking chances/risks, If you are afraid of taking risks, you can't exceed them in your life. You must have the courage to do risky things, they can reward you in both ways good or bad. but there is always a lesson in bad.
Hmm... This is deep I must confess. I do get your point. As of now, one million naira isn't sufficient to change one's life, although it will solve your immediate needs. But what most people would want is a life changing encounter, and indeed, Dangote can give you the right connection you might need to achieve your goals.
It's a 50/50 thing but life itself is all about risks. Good point 👌
It's about the life changing encounter. If we are talking about 10 million naira, I would definitely think twice and deeply too but with just a million naira, it's not going to do much to be honest. It's a chance I am willing to take with meeting him rather than taking the one million.
I would love to say that, I 100 % agree with you, this amount of nairas is never enough to change someone's life, but yes, you get a chance to change your life with 1 million nairas. But if you really want to change your or someone's life, you need to have at least 10 million nairas as @olawalium has replied to your comment.
An insightful thought you have got , man.
These two options weighed side by side as in a balance scale, won't balance the same for different people. This is dependent on the socioeconomic status, talents, level of education, quality of ideas, mindset, level of exposure, and lots more.
Each choice will benefit different people differently.
Your choice here would likely be more beneficial to you, and perfectly suites your level, as you(we) are sanguine that you have something(a lot) to offer.
Opting for a million naira instead , will be a wise choice for a man, poor and famished, with nothing to offer.
It's a win win, you know...hahaha
You got it. With someone who desperately needs money to solve an immediate need, I totally understand and it makes logical sense especially if they are not the business savvy kind or the type that doesn't want to do any proper work, it's understandable. The bottom line is, it's all about priority and what we count as important for the moment and even few years to come.
Priority, it is.
The money is huge but before you know what is happening (most especially if it's spent recklessly without plans for the future), it will disappear right before your eyes 👀 and you will end up asking yourself what you achieved with the money 🤑.
Knowledge is power. Meeting a successful business man like Dangote with enticing business ideas will surely attract more than one million naira. Just like a magnet 🧲💰.
Thank you so much for your means a lot to me. You are absolutely right, the economy has rendered that amount insufficient. It's always better to think ahead and do what's best or what we can be comfortable with in the long run.
Thank you so much.
The pleasure is mine
And the reality of a world is that if a person does not have money, then no person in this world will give, but all people will only want to end the greetings and supplications from this servant of ours because he is a poor man and nowadays who There is a kind of era going on, poor people have no friends, everyone hates them, so we all need to work hard to earn money.
KNowledge is power, that's what my thinking is, with the rise in inflation, 1 million nairas will not be enough to start a business or even eat for 1 year. I don't know if you know about it or not, but Justin Sun has paid millions $ to meet the warrant buffet. So knowledge and wisdom is more important.
It is a fact that money comes to a person and then it goes away again. People who are wise use this money properly, do business etc. so that they can get good profit from it. They are one with their family. To be able to live a good life, we all know that without money we cannot live a good life, so all of us must work wisely and do business in the same way, why should that business be in the form of property. If not, when will good money come every month for your family.
Money is important and it eases the stress, no doubt. Sometimes the best option is to pick what would last for a lifetime rather than what would be exhausted in a matter of weeks. It's all about insight.
Yes, they are saying exactly right, when a person has money, his life becomes that of this good and a person can run his house comfortably. We have to accept that without money, a person can never build his respect in this world, neither inside his house nor anywhere. It is also a fact that if we want to be successful, we have to work day and night to earn money. I think the same thing is going on in every country, be it Pakistan or any other.
I don't think I would have my decision any other way either. The money is appealing, I have no doubt but sometimes we have to sacrifice immediate gains for future gains. Money is appealing but you will be shocked that the momemt you take 100,000 naira out of that money, the money is gone and you would be wondering how the money was spent. Good choice and that's what I would do too.
That's it. We sometimes feel that money is huge until we delve into it and it finish in a matter of weeks without doing anything reasonable with it.
"We have to sacrifice immediate gains for future gains" — I love this line.
Truly, it's no new news that Nigerian currency has no value. Gone were the days when a hundred thousand was sufficient to do a whole lot. If there's anything I've discovered in life; it's that in every decision you make, always think ahead and put the future into consideration.
Truly, a million naira is way less valuable than people have known.
With the rate of inflation, with the loss of competitive value with other currencies and all.
I wonder what type of business such amount of money can fully fund and in what location. There are, anyways, small scale, maybe.
Great choice, man.
Big or small is relative though.
But truly speaking, Nigerian naira has swayed way backwards, more surprisingly the speed at which it did.
US dollar-naira exchange rate as at ten years ago(2013) was just about 1:160
Flip to 2023, where we are today at 1:800
Over 500% value loss of naira and it gets worse as the day goes by.
Disaster happened.
Only Oluwa can rescue us, really!
So sad things are going this way and all we could do is complain.... It's not even as if we could effect any change at all.. too sad
Reminds me of how I always insist on not splitting my one thousand naira note because immediately I do that, it ends up vanishing into the thin air.
Indeed, the eyes that sees far will make the choice and the reasons given are very much valid
I don't know if you would believe it or not, but I'm currently spending 6k to 10k nairas on a daily basis for my daily needs. with these expenses, 1 million nairas will be enough for 5 months only. Meeting a successful business is a good choice.
Very good post, money comes and goes, when you are going to start something from scratch with a strong capital, you have to visualize well the pros and cons, of course you have to think more about it being a long term business that you can live from it or at least be a stable income for your family, it is a thousand times better to say try it than what would have happened if, I hope the decision you make makes you very happy and of course you have the support of family and friends always, I think I would also do the same, hug my friend ♥
Money comes and goes, that's the sad reality and it's tough to admit for most people. Thank you so much, my friend...deeply appreciate having you here.
Well yes my friend, you have to know how to manage well in that sense so that there are no losses and rescue as many gains as possible, hug friend the appreciation is mutual ♥
A good take from you.
Wisdom is profitable, man.
Long term is king. But as always, humans naturally want easy and immediate gratification.
It takes guts, forbearance, self-restraint,and stoicism to resist such natural urge, you know.
This is very well on point, I will go for the meeting as well because I have a lot of ideas in my head but funding is the issue.
I just hope he finds your idea interesting, he will definitely be willing to splash a huge amount on you as long as the reward is huge.
Absolutely and even if he doesn't, having to spend time with him, I get to ask him questions and seek for ways to improve...there are some relationships that money cannot of access... Thank you so much, brother. Deeply appreciate this.
I'm really really sad to know the value of Nigerian currency, It has become worthless when it comes to buying with naira, It's the same happening in my country, Currency value has been declining at a rapid pace, inflation is rising and believe me we can't do anything against it. People running the government are too greedy.