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RE: Clarity in Isolation

in Hive Naija10 months ago

You know, they say that if you can't teach something well, you probably don't know it well enough. That is, there's a good level hardwork and diligence you put in to learn something, so your passion to teach flows...effortlessly. Have you ever considered starting a school and making big someday?


Frankly, I have not given a thought to owning a school. Vaguely though, I've imagined what it'll be like to own an establishment for young children. Not exactly sure what I want to do with it, but I guess it would border between academic and extracurricular activity(not any of the regular stuff we're used to doing). But more on the latter.

 10 months ago  

You must be great with kids to love them this much to want to do something for them. I imagine your zeal will spark something different and special. Regular stuff is old and boring, you know.