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RE: Age Is Just a Conversation

in Hive Naija6 days ago

AloA lot of kids these days are very smart, and I think it's because of exposure, and to an extent, their schools are playing a major role in it.

While some people are saying kids of nowadays aren't smart because the school isn't teaching them much, I beg to differ.

My daughter started school last year, and I was amazed by some of the things she was being taught. Somewhere in my head, I was like, She's too young to be learning this. They should be teaching her class how to hold a pencil.

 5 days ago  

There are schools, and there are schools. Parents just have to look out for the right one, to begin with.

Somewhere in my head, I was like, She's too young to be learning this. They should be teaching her class how to hold a pencil.

Look at you 😂
I am sure you're always proud of her anyway

You are right

Am a proud mom