My sin

in Hive Naija7 months ago

This image is from my source.

I would never forget the first day i loved and trusted a man ,who has been automatically cheating on me with my close friend.
I would never forget the day,we were robbed in our house, which has been traumatizing me till now.
I would never forget the day ,i gave someone special to me something important and it bounced back against me .
I would never forget the day ,i lied to my parents about going to see my friend which was not the actual place.. and going to they ,made me regret my actions
I would never forget the day,i was drunk for the first time,that thing made sick for days ..i would never try that again.
For every action there's always reaction, good or bad , we just pray some mistakes we make or have made , don't end our career, family or even our life's
Thanks for reading , wish to see you again.