Mixed feelings.

in Hive Naija2 months ago

Hello everyone and welcome to another exciting week in the hive Naija community,this week activity series I would be writing about the way my life is switching from the normal holiday mood to my school life.Am really sad and the same time excited, firstly the sad part is that I have to go back to school but I really need to go back to resume fully.My name is quin.lizzy and I welcome you to my blog.

The name of my school is federal university of lafia and I will be resuming on the 20th of January even though we resume since on the 6th I was not able to resume cause I am still healing.Everyone would believe that things went so fast from the Christmas celebration to the new year and now everything is normalizing.And as a student leaving home,my comfort zone back to school is really sad cause I personally prefer home to school unlike some of my mates.

My normal routine will change from always been on my phone, scrolling on social media to being in class, doing more of reading and assignments.To be frank it's going to take some time for everything to become normal cause my body has actually gotten use to this comfort,no stress of running from one lecture hall to the other, waking up early to be in lectures and all that.

I would like to share with you how a day In school usually looks like.I try to wake up as early as 5am when having morning lecture,I do my early morning duties and go to school.Presently is the time for registration so I would print out my fees and other payments,then take it to white house(administrative block),my faculty and also department.

This use to be very stressful cause our head of department (H.O.D) will have to sign on my course form after his is done,I will three photocopy and send it to white house, faculty and department with my other payments,I would have to stay on the line cause we do things with decorum waiting patiently for my turn so that I can summit mine.

This is not just why am sad,after all this stress,I would have to go home and prepare something to eat and go on reading, unlike when am home,even though I do the cooking,it would not be after am stressed out and tired.

Enough of the sad part,am also anxious and happy cause I will be a 200 level student,am anxious cause there would be a lot of changes to how things are being done during 100 level,more of physical lectures and written exam than using the computer for exams and online lectures.

Also am happy that I would get to meet my friends and my coursemate, even though there is a lot of stress associated with being in school,fun is always accompanied cause my friends presence always make the load look lighter,from the late night study to eating together and talking about our holiday experience,we feel happy and gather courage to continue pushing hard.

Am also excited to meet my roommate, she's really one of a kind and acts like an elder sister to me,she actually reminds me of my mother cause she most at times do the cooking and help me to do the laundry,I missed her and she's one of the reasons am excited to resume.

Thanks for visiting my page, let's try to cope with the change of activity and make sure this year becomes one of the best in our life.

 2 months ago  

More strength to you and less stress 🌹