Never follow the crowd

in Hive Naija28 days ago (edited)

There are lots of quotes that apply to our lives as humans in one way or another. The world is undergoing development every day and this is the truth we all have to accept. Gone are the days when there was good moral upbringing, truth, patience, hard work, obedience, focus, determination, and discipline. In this present generation, everyone wants a shortcut to everything good in life be it success and wealth. The rate at which the world has changed from what we knew two decades ago to now is alarming, but then one has to evolve as the world evolves. That is to change one's mentality and view about many things while doing so responsibly.

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There is a point in human life when you will think everything is slow and one would wish it's a bit faster than how it presently is. I was once in that phase of my life when I wanted everything so quickly; I wanted to make money, be celebrated, get married, and have my family, but then thanks to my parents for making me see that there is more to life than what it seems. One of the quotes that served as an eye-opener to me was, "Never follow the crowd". During this period, some of my classmates and friends were getting married and I saw it like I had to get married too.

I have seen it as since we are mates, we should go at the same rate, forgetting that we all have different destinies and fates. I wanted to do what others were doing, forgetting I was unique in my way. Concentrating on myself without giving room for distractions was the best decision I made. Not following the crowd to do things they do saves a lot of trouble and it gives time for reconciliation and tracing one's steps wherever one had missed it. With this quote, I was able to see that being either age maye, classmate, or colleague at work doesn't make us equal. If the right thing is done at the wrong time, the result is not always palatable, and if the wrong thing is done at the right time, it doesn't speak well either.

The right thing must be done at the right time to get pleasant results that will speak well for generations to come. Also, quotes have different tendencies to impact lives; many quotes do have negative effects on individuals when taken the wrong way, while some do impact lives positively when received and used by knowledge. The quote "Never follow the crowd" can have different meanings to different people, but to me, it meant I shouldn't do things because others were doing it, and waiting for each person's right time is the best way to live a peaceful life.

Today, I'm glad that I made the decision not to follow the crowd, achieving all my laid goals patiently and passionately without any external interference or distractions. It has impacted my life positively and given me a smooth sail in the ocean of life.

Thanks for your time, and your comments will be appreciated.

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The crowd has nothing to actually offer. Most times the crowd will make you to take the wrong decisions.

That's just it

Doing the right thing us not enough if it wasn't done at the right time.

forgetting that we all have different destinies and fates

There are points in our lives where we feel like we are the only one who isn't moving forward, we get carried away with other's achievements. But, one thing is sure, we aren't the same, our time is different. Following the crowd will only take us to where we do not want.

Exactly boss

Rightly said, dear. Be accountable for yourself and never follow the crowd. Venture into whatever it is because you want to do it and not because someone else did. It's truly the best way to live. Well-done.🌺

Thanks boss

That quote is a beautiful one reminding us that we all have different times and seasons. Just because we are mates doesn't mean we would do it the same time or same way, God has different plans for everyone. So, we must not follow the crowd but to wait for our time.

Exactly ma'am

That is a beautiful quote. We all have our unique path as far as this life is concerned. Yoruba would say don't look at other person's watch to run. Work at your pace and utilize every possible opportunity to make progress. Thank you for your helpful post.

Thanks for reading sir