in Hive Naija5 months ago


While growing up, I had some perspective about neighbors in my neighborhood. Our neighbors seems like family friends we have known for a long time. We were acquainted with each other and almost all things about each other. We share things with each other and we render help too. However, we also have neighbors that does not like relating with others. Those ones are difficult to understand. So, our interactions with them has not gone more than a simple 'good morning'. I realized that as humans, we can't do without each other.

When I moved out of my neighborhood, I started schooling. Then, I put up with different kinds of neighbor's behavior. Firstly, I hate being in a noisy environment, my neighbor would play music from early morning till evening without getting tired.

Of all the next door neighbor I have had so far. A particular one of them intrigued me. My neighbor wakes up by 6am everyday. He would start with sweeping his room, and cleaning his surroundings making everywhere clean. I found it interesting for a guy to wake up very early and do all these. When I first got into that house, I was not an outspoken type but this guy will force words out of my mouth with his jokes.

I'm always woken up by food aroma from his kitchen everyday. He doesn't joke with food. He makes a three square meal everyday. I was surprised that this guy makes his food everytime. I mean, most of other guys I know are not a fan of cooking.

He is much concerned about the safety and well-being of everyone in the apartment. We once has a broken pipe, that stopped the flow of water inside the house. While worrying over where we could go to find a plumber, he fixed it up almost immediately. He handles and takes care of any repair in the house. All we have to do is just to contribute money to buy anything that's needed.

I forgot to mention that my neighbor has almost anything one needs. Most of my neighbors were male so I get restricted to getting certain things I needed to borrow. I remember that I misplaced my sewing kit one day and I needed a needle urgently. I thought guys don't really keep stuffs like that so I didn't bother asking him. While looking for another options, I saw him outside, then it just occurred to me to ask him. To my amazement, he went inside to bring a needle out. "What? Why didn't I ask all along? I kept asking myself.

I remember a particular day I was asleep on a Saturday afternoon. As usual, weekends are meant for cleaning so I had my clothes spread outside after washing. Suddenly, this guy came to knock on my door. I was angry with the fact that he woke me up from sleep. As I opened the door to see who interrupted my sleep,
"It seems it wants to rain o, go and pack your clothes." He said.
"Ehn? Rain ke?

I ran downstairs to pack my clothes. Infact, I almost got wet. It meant a lot to me because I wouldn't imagine how I will feel if I wake up to realize all my clothes are wet as a result of the rain.

One thing I can say I am not so pleased with about him was the fact that he happens to be curious about so many things. He questions a lot and he wants to know almost everything about you. I'm not so transparent with everyone like that. Anytime he asked,

"What did you cook?

"Ah! What's your own with what I cook? I always reply jokingnly.
This guy will questions my going out and coming. I avoided staying outside because of him. I do not enjoy talking a lot with men especially. Sometimes he would just walk up to you and start gisting.

"I just came back from my friend's wedding."

"Okayyy." Me trying not to sound rude.

"I don't really know him o, we met online sometimes ago and then we started talking......"

"Who ask you sir? I said to myself.
It doesn't really seems bad but I just find it tiring to sit down and talk about irrelevant topics. I don't like invading another person's privacy and all that too.
Image Source: Meta AI Assistant

 5 months ago  

People like that can truly be annoying but, they are also a gem to have around as long as you know the best way to handle them from far. lol

You gett😂😂
You just need the understanding of how to deal with them.