Family and friends; My irreplaceable lifelines

in Hive Naijayesterday


Since life has been designed to deal with us at one point or the other due to it's nature of not giving to us what we deserve. So, for this reason, we all have to take life as it is and more so, have good and cordial relationships with people around us, so that, when life happens to us, we may have someone to call and look up to.

Like I said earlier, life in itself is a challenge and nothing in life last forever, the smoothness of life today, may be a rough path tomorrow. That's how it's being designed right from the outset.

No wonder someone told me not quite long that, if everything is smooth or you're having it all sweet every time of your life, check yourself as something might be wrong somewhere and if it's the other way round as well, you still have to check yourself as life is not stable. It might be good today and by tomorrow things may turn around to be bad, that's life for you.

No wonder the biblical saying that says, crying may last till night, but joy cometh in the morning. This simple analogy from the Holy bible defines life in it real self.

So, for us to enjoy life to its fullest, one thing we must do is to understand life and always be ready for what might come our ways either good or bad.

Now, seeing this week hivenaija prompt on whom to call on when faced with the issues and challenges of life whenever it happens to us really took me down memory lane on how I have been dealing with the issues of life.

Hmmm Life! Life has seriously dealt with me in the real sense of it, it has dealt with me so many times and in so many ways.

But thank God I'm still alive to tell the story of how I was able to see myself through the challenges of life. But before I go into sharing my little experience about the issue of life, let me state it very clear here that whenever I'm faced with the issues of life, the first thing I used to do is to handle it in my own way and by myself, but if it's not working and it's beyond what I can handle, my first point of call would be my family and probably my friends as the case maybe.

Sometimes ago when I was faced with the issues of life and could not handle it myself just because it's beyond me, the first person I related my issue with was my dad.

Then, I was into a partnership business with a friend and in the partnership business which happened to be livestock farming, I couldn't get anything as profit from the business for a whole year, so for this reason I was downcasted and could not move forward.

I was totally depressed and frustrated due to the attitude of this my partner who was bent on destroying me.

So, I thought of a way out which was not really coming, I kept this to my mind for a very long time without any solution coming through, when I now realized that sickness and death were knocking at the door of my life, I put a call through my dad whom with his simple advice of discontinuing the partnership with the man no matter what it might cost me, saw me through what would have sent me to my early grave.

Not only this, I have also seen a friend coming to my aid both in kind and in cash when I was facing the issues of life that would have sent me to jail. Then, I obtained a loan to startup a business of my own from a bank and in the course of setting up the business, I was duped with millions of naira and this was so pathetic that I didn't really know what to do or how to go about it, I didn't really know whom to call for help. And this is because my parents were not as buoyant as they used to be at the time.

So, in the course of looking for whom to help me through the mess I have gotten myself to, I remembered a close friend of mine Shola, I put a call to his number and he asked us to meet, I narrated my ordeals to him and he adviced me on how to go about it. Not only this, he also helped me with half of the money to settle the debt. Which would have sent me to jail or early grave.

So, not only these two have come to my aid in settling my life issues and challenges, seriously, I still have so many members of my family and lots of friends who have in one way or the other played their vital roles in settling my life issues and challenges when the need be for it.

And to me, what this means is that, whenever life happens to me, I always have people to call upon and to be candid, these people used to come to my aid and set me free from these issues.

Though, I have also have challenges with calling on people for help, but overall, it's always worked magic for me. And to end it all, both my friends and family members have their different roles to play and they have been playing it differently and at different time and stages of my life.

This is my entry to the hivenaija weekly prompt.

Thanks for reading.

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