One thing that connects humans together is relationship and that's what even makes existence to be made possible. Relationship don't just start now, it's something that has been in existence right from the ages, I mean, right from the creation most especially as recorded in the holy scriptures when God said, "let's make man in our own image after our likeness." The calling on the others by God Himself signifies that, there's an existing relationship in heaven as at the beginning of the world and the human race.
So, relationship is a very important aspect of life and what relationship depicts is that no one can live without having a relationship with another, it might be a direct relationship or an indirect one.
But one thing that's sure is that there's must be an existing relationship for one to survive on the planet earth. Even, being given birth to was as a result of an existing relationship between the father and mother as no one has ever come to this world on his or her own.
What this is telling us is that, nobody, I repeat no one can live in isolation or on his or her own volition there must always be a connection which in turn turned to relationship.
Seeing this week prompt really took me down memory lane of the kind of relationship I witnessed between my parents while growing up as the first and only child of the family.
Born into a Christian home, both my mum and dad are so devoted and maybe because of their devotion to their faiths, both were able to relate in an uncommon way, the love that existed between both Can't be overemphasized as no one as ever helped them to settle dispute, even back then, I as their son was not in the knowledge of any of their dispute at any given time.
Though, they used to have their differences as no human is perfect and since they are humans, they do have their differences as well, but one thing is that, these their differences would not in anyway be leaked out by any of them. Seriously, they really tried in that regard. For me as their one and only child not to have any understanding of their differences.
Not only this, the kind of supporting relationship my mum created in the family was second to none. It's after her demise that I got to know much about her contribution to the development of their relationship, most especially about me and my educational pursuit.
My dad once told me that, whenever he's broke, my mum would come to his aid and cover up for him, he said, that when he lost his job, and have to pay my school fee, he said, my mum would give him the money to be paid and he would be the one to pay the money without me knowing. When I heard this I was astonished. I was astonished for no other reason, but for the kind of relationship that existed between the both.
What of my dad? The kind of support my dad also gave to my mum was second to non as he would always be there to assist her both in the house and in her life. Whenever my mum is handling a project of her own, my dad would always support not minding how big the project was. Both of them are just made for each other from heaven and they used to be like siblings. They are just best of friends.
So, seeing and growing up with the kind of harmonious relationship that existed between both my mum dad before the demise of my mum really helped in to making my mind to live and express such relationship with others around me, most especially to my wife and children when I have a family of my own.
So, since then and with what I have been taught coupled with what I have learnt from the harmonious relationship that have ever existed between my parent, i have also been able to live up to the kind of the relationship to people around me and most especially with my immediate family. Thank God for giving me a virtuous and beautiful woman as my mum. The coming of this beautiful and virtuosic jewel has really made it easier and possible for me to live such a harmonious relationship with my wife and children.
So, I have been able to uphold the relationship legacy laid down by both my mum and my dad with the help of God and my God given wife Mercy, who has always been my cover whenever I'm about to be put to shame and also, I too have been able to reciprocate and treat her well beyond her own understanding and comprehension like my dad used to do.
Even more than how my parents related, I and my wife have really surpassed that and we now live in joy, harmony with love.
So, deviating from loving life of my parents was not an option for me as the kind of life they both lived together before the demise of my mum has been part and parcel of me and that's what I'm still practicing till today.
This is my entry to the hivenaija weekly prompt.
Thanks for reading.
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