My long boring weekend

in Hive Naija2 years ago

Today is the last Sunday in the month of August after having the longest boring weekend makes me to realized in some week time schools will resume and my amazing pupils will start making excuses of not doing their home works.
I vividly remember one of my pupil telling me he doesn't want two home work, that he wants just one homework because he has to go farm and trek a long distances back home, I was shocked when he told me and another said Aunty my Aunty said I should come early and copy from mine classmate.
Few years that I have been teaching, I have learned a lot from my pupils which is

  1. As parent never discussed serious and sensitive matters in front of kids
  2. Never quarrel in front of children because these kids have their own selection of discussion among their during break times.
    kids with their inquisitive minds are, watching, learning and imitating their parents behavior to the extend of their sitting positions in the classroom, I have to correct it several times by telling them the do's and don't in the classroom. Well, I can't wait to have them back in school because they have ways of lighting my days sometimes with mixed feelings.😃