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RE: Give It Back To Them: Bring back what a woman is!

in Hive Naija • yesterday

I liked the part where you said you'll get into the sport and show the man manly strength
It cracked me up😂..but it's so true.
The boundaries of accepting "mentally-trans" people are so fickle.
It's like literally anybody could wake up and decide to identify as whatever they want (even animals and cripples - look it up) as long as there's enough delusion or personal conviction as the case may be.
I wasn't even against people making such choices for themselves before, but seeing how unhinged the whole affair has become is appalling really.

 13 hours ago  

Yeah yeah
I won’t stand and watch as my daughter get beaten up by a man who claim to be a woman
It sad that the world now has more than two gender and I think mentally that’s not ok.

I watch a video of someone that identify themselves as a cat and you think that’s fine?

Nah, this has to be stopped by all means

Thanks for the comment. I do appreciate