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RE: The Magic of Words

in Hive Naija5 months ago

Oh don't get me started on books versus movies... So many movies wreck the book they are made from because the book is not sexy enough or whatever...

Hey that didn't fluffing happen in the book. Or Hollywood takes liberty by being factually inaccurate with their graphical description.

Take Braveheart for example the story about Scotland freedom and England, the main protagnists were Robert the Bruce and William Wallace. Hollywood have people in the film that debabtedly did not even exist at the same time. Not to mention William Wallace was a fluffing giant of a man, six foot six 800 hundred years ago is someone over seven foot now...

Who does Hollywood get to portray him?
Mel Gibson the bloody Aussie midget...

Okay here I am to comment on your books not have a fluffing rant!

I have always admired what you can draw from spiritually etc, I am all for taking thing on board no matter the origin. I also love you get out your wee notebook and write things down! That is growth in itself, so seeing the 15 thingys of growth it is no surprise that is with you at all times so to speak!

Great to read first thing in the morning and has me motivated for today sha!

Abeg keep it up!


Robert the Bruce

Is that the actual name?! It is soo confusing in my head, almost as if Batman's real name is actually Robert. But Robert is Bruce. Not just any Bruce. Robert is the Bruce

yeah funny you say about Batman and super heroes!

Robert the Bruce was in a cave plotting how to beat the English ... when down came a spider and told him so I always think of him as Spiderman!

But hell yeah Robert was the Brice lol

New name for Robert. He is now the Peter 😂


Or Peter who was the Bruce

Peter the Bruce, that's what we'll go with. I like that sound of Bruce in the end 🤣

well of course you can play how you pronounce Bruce

 5 months ago  

And that is also a reason I don't watch movies adapted from books. Annoying as fuck when they just revamp the whole thing!

I'm glad i motivated you. You and your slow arse. Hopefully you're out of bed now and doing something 👀